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About the Author: The Escapist


  1. Honestly some games deserve to stay buried and remembered in the past because it defeats the purpose on how the anime was and game that’s not meant to be in the present to be a bad game.

  2. The first half of the original anime is actually really good, it's a low-key (for anime) gangster drama more than anything else. Pretty compelling characters and story. Then it kind of goes off the rails in the second half with over the top action instead.

  3. Ok so I played this game today, not fun, don't pick it up, encounter design just sucks, progression is god awful with how you need to purchase all of your abilities, the game feels like it was designed by different groups who had their own vision of the game, the first couple of levels are good and the encounters feel solid like someone understood the way the game plays, and then after that every level feels like it was designed by people who never played the game.

    The hordes of enemies specially of the Raven Clan are so incredibly awful to fight against because they have enemies with shields that require you to either get in close to melee or charge up a special ranged attack that can miss and may not get all of their shields in 1 go, the basic footman for the Clan faction is a rifleman that just keeps shooting non stop, and you can also end up permastunned by enemies or cornered without the tools to break out, the normal enemies that aren't Raven clan can be frustrating but never anger inducing they are generally enemies that are well balanced and the encounters with them are sometimes challenging but overall doable.

    I quit playing the game in the level after the train level, because you just had to fight against so many Raven Clan dudes that it was not fun, the Raven Clan dudes feel like enemies from a completely different game, because you have a lot of enemies that fire pretty much non stop or knock you back, or block your main means of dealing damage, to the point that any encounters where they are the enemy have me feeling like "Oh god these again", rather than making the player feel like they are a challenge they feel more like an annoyance.

    Mainly this is because the controls feel unresponsive a lot of the time when fighting them and the melee attacks are just not good enough to deal with the enemies, I will press the buttons for the combo I am trying to perform and I will get knocked down mid combo by an enemy that got close and blasted me with a shotgun, this is mainly a problem with the Raven Clan because to the point I reached they are the only enemies that require you to engage with the melee system due to those shields, but the melee is just not fun to use and it deals little damage.

    Your movement is so slow, you move with all the agility of someone pleasantly making their way to work, you dodge is incredibly slow too, jumping is awful, shooting is a chore because you have to click or press the trigger every time you want to shoot more than a single 3 round burst, and you need to shoot a lot, the shield system requires you to execute enemies who get put into a vulnerable state, but this seems to happen in a nearly random manner, because sometimes your shooting will make them vulnerable and sometimes it will kill them, there is no consistency for a system that should be consistent, this is basically just this game's version of the glory kill system but like everything else it manages to fuck it up.

    The way this game could have been better would have been first off make the movement speed not a brisk walking pace or add a sprint button, make melee a more integral part of combat and give the player a certain level of knockback resistance while performing melee attacks, make melee do more damage, make the special moves have an auto refilling timer for the charges but make it so that driving up the beat meter makes them recharge faster so that they keep coming back passively because sometimes you need them, get rid of the shield guys from the Raven Clan they are an unnecessary annoyance that only slows down the pace of an already slow combat loop, make it so that you keep firing by holding down the shoot button instead of needing to spam it, this has been a normal thing forever for a reason, make melee part of the stun system to get shield back, avoid throwing more than a handful of Raven Clan dudes at once mix them up with normal goons to spice up combat, also avoid narrow corridors or whatever the hell the top of the train section was because nothing sucks more than shooting at enemies above you only to realise you walked off the edge or dodging only realise you fell off, or getting knocked down by an enemy or by a mine which we had not seen before in any other environment.

    In essence there is a good game hiding underneath all the crap parts, but it would be a completely different game from what was made and therefore I can't recommend anyone buy or play the game.

    Edit: I will add in a world where Platinum game have raised the bar for this kind of game so high not trying to match that bar feels like a downright sin.

  4. it is very sad that a game like this can receive my hatred this early. but they succeeded I see the same bugs and problems in a similar game ninja gaiden 2 and 3 trust the same AI was use for this game recall rocket ninja and his brother smg ninja

  5. i have always been a fan of these "chaotic" more retro style games. and honestly…. i love this game. i can see its flaws and completely understand why most may not like it. but damn this has scratched an itch i have had for years.

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