Wounded, Defeated, Reborn: How Faker Returned to Drag His Team to Worlds

Wounded, Defeated, Reborn: How Faker Returned to Drag His Team to Worlds

Faker has been the League of Legends GOAT for many years now. So many, in fact, that people began to question whether it was …


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About the Author: theScore esports


  1. Faker was not holding T1 back, he was holding the team together. Heck even Bengi "stepped down" because he can't handle the heat of Faker's absence. If anything, Faker's return and dragging his team to playoff finals only solidified his legacy and GOAT status.

  2. Im sorry but outside of a broken hand or fingers you'll never convince me that some arm pain is enough to stop someone from playing video games lol

  3. I don't know if people actually don't know about this or just feels like to shit talk them, but from a lot of interviews with former teammates has shown the fact that faker's macro is unmatched. Most of the time he would know where the enemies are and would macro his team to do something to make a exchange.
    And when july hits, a.k.a the month that they lost faker, every single teammates of him looked absolutely LOST.
    It's truly unfair that people think he should retire and stuff, he's just the heart of T1, when the heart is not pumping the organs are just not going to be functional. He signed a 3 year contract after S12 ended for a reason. His in game performance might be bad from time to time, but they needed the brain.

  4. i love faker as much as everyone else, but i think the current meta is what's getting to him. combined with his increasing age, it ain't good.
    faker is what i call a controller. he takes champs that are good at influencing the whole game. not a ton of utility, cc or dmg, but still a good combination of them to be good at influencing any fight he's in.
    the problem is, atleast in my eyes, is the current meta really doesn't favor that kind of jack of all trades. minmaxing is what's good now. bruisers are dead, roaming is pretty much dead unless you are pretty sure it's a double kill, and aggresive linewalking isn't as rewarding as it used to be.

  5. I’m sure he’s feeling exactly what a lot of people feel when they already know they are at the top of their area. Lewis Hamilton of F1, Tom Brady of NFL, Messi and Ronaldo of Football… Faker knows he is the best, but he doesn’t have the mindset of the best. Instead he wants to win as if he has never won before. The hunger stays the more and more you win. And it comes in even harder once you haven’t won it all in a while. Faker doesn’t need to to prove anything, he just wants to win again.

  6. Bro he might not be the best player anymore but he's the most consistent, who else can match his overall achievements no one, plus his shotcalling was on point

  7. this is why i love poby. he’s like all of us. but see you have experienced teammates that fumbled the bag and should of legit compensated for the fact poby was put in a place where he clearly just wasnt ready. league really shows whos back is is strong.

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