The 2020 13" MacBook Pro Impressions: Wait a Minute!

There’s something you should know about Apple’s new laptops. Let’s talk about minor updates. MKBHD Merch: http://shop.


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About the Author: Marques Brownlee


  1. Maques makes a tone of money reviewing these goodies, not forgetting that they also give him some of these devices as souvenir.

    Marques please ship for me a one plus 7pro to Africa, i will pay the shipping cost and give you something small for your trouble.

    Thank you, please dont ignore

  2. Thanks for making these awesome videos whenever I have a question about something tech related I just go to your channel and search for an answer there and you’ve always come through for me, I truly appreciate your content

  3. I hate my 2020 MacBook Pro. The trackpad doesn’t even actually click, it just vibrates, the speakers at full volume are super quiet, the UI is stupid in a lot of ways too. My iPhone 13 Pro Max has louder speakers than my laptop, wtf is this? The trackpad feels so alien and unsatisfying to use. I loved my MacBook from 2013 but this new one is just trash 🗑

  4. apple doesn't make the best cameras of any phone that's a myth. they make the best photo processing software (marginally better almost to the point where it's unnoticeable) Sony makes there cameras and they really aren't that great without that software, in fact they are worse than most economy androids without the better software. as for android having a reputation for worse camera quality it mostly comes down to lazy app developers or devs who favor Apple and actively make their apps worse for Android (specifically looking at snap for this one when they patched dark mode so you could use your android dev menu to get it then released it as an apple only feature) but I digress they don't make their cameras nor are the ones in their phones the best. just incredibly well optimized, same for their phones those come with like 4GB of ram to samsung's 8/12GB the only real reason people think their phone's are the world's most powerful is because apps on iphones are from the app store and made specifically for iphones if you got the Google play store you would see it ranked more like iphones preforming like a galaxy A10e after you've installed 4 apps (for those of you who haven't felt that pain basically the worst lag of your life, apps crashing to the point where you can't run anything and don't even try to play GTA or minecraft on it because you'll be there for 10 hours while your phone reminds you that you only spent $100 on it and proceeds to melt through 4 layers of linoleum) basically on paper iphones are trash carried by a relatively ok processor and some of the world's best software for people who know almost nothing about technology and simply picked the phone that everyone around them seems to have (and couldn't tell you what an APK is or an AOD, or even what it's like to load up a custom ROM when their devices manufacturer finally decides to push out updates to save battery by slowing the phone down (usually as soon as the new phone comes out) the point is apple makes a phone that is almost idiot proof but still sometimes bricks itself through an apple update gone wrong or uploading to iTunes or in my friend's case taking it on a plane (full price replacement by the way) just people who think apple actually cares about them)

  5. Mine arrives tomorrow, can’t wait to get rid of my Mac Book Air since the keys felt cheap and it was as thin as paper. Still got the job done but can’t wait to upgrade

  6. Two generations later and the 13" macbook pro has the exact same hardware as this. It hasn't changed in any way. The new arm chips are the only update, yet they still sell it at the same price.

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