VR vacations: Globetrotting via virtual reality

VR vacations: Globetrotting via virtual reality

Virtual travel through immersive technologies is allowing those stuck at home to experience the world despite a global pandemic. Correspondent Mo Rocca and …


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About the Author: CBS Sunday Morning


  1. "its not technically a kid device at all"
    "why isn't it?"
    "I think it's not quite entirely clear what the effects are"
    uh… its not quite entirely clear what the effects are for adults too why is it not technically a kid device?

  2. I workout in VR on multiple apps and spend hours dancing in virtual clubs on Altspace. It's been very good for my mental and physical health during the last year.

  3. Hello, We know that the mainstream media is new to the VR scene. We thank you for using the term headset instead of goggles. We cringe at the term goggles. Also Valve has an app called Steam and they openly show what type of hardware is being used. With the numbers we have been seeing, we wonder why VR isn't mainstream already.

  4. Completely agree with the guy that warned about kids using VR, but judging from how many kids there are in every VR app out there… not many parents agree.

  5. Yeah let me put something very personal into technology owned by Facebook, a company who totally doesn't collect data on people whatsoever…

  6. None of them are wearing the Quest 2 properly 😒. 1. Don't use stock head strap. 2. Regardless of the strap used balance so that weight is distributed evenly and not applying more pressure on forehead or cheeks/lower face. If you wear like the video you will 100% get a migraine and intense burning pain in neck or head. 3. The Nat Geo videos shown would obviously give anyone new motion sickness (or even myself after 8 months of daily use). Ease into VR with things labeled with green in the oculus store that indicates comfort with little chance even new players/users would get sick. Leave anything moderate or intense (labeled yellow and red) for after you're experienced. In my case I only motion sickness 1-2 times and I'm hyper prone to motion sickness. After they enabled 120hz (not supported by every app/game yet) it makes the biggest difference and way more comfortable.

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