10 Best PS5 Games (Spring 2022 Update)

10 Best PS5 Games (Spring 2022 Update)

It’s been just over a year since PlayStation 5 hit store shelves, and while Sony has once again found success by not only ushering …


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About the Author: IGN Games


  1. This is a great list for sure, but my personal favourite PS5 game to date is the utterly fabulous Gran Turismo 7. It’s the best racer Sony has ever produced.

  2. And still some haters keep on saying there are no great exclusive games on Playstation 5… go figure.. Oh by the way, all ps4 games work on PS5, no internet is required nor are any drm… You cant even use an xbox without forcely connect it to the internet first..

  3. ign hi can you tell me please when the io interactive studio is going to confirmed all the platforms for james bond game project 007? its been a while and i really cant wait for it

  4. Deathloop may be IGN’s most overrated game yet, and that is really saying something. And I say this as someone who played through the awesome Dishonored games twice. Loved Prey too, but Deathloop was incredibly average. The humor isn’t that original either.

  5. I was interested in how high Returnal would be. That game drove me crazy and it still does. The tower made it better, but I still do not enjoy it as a whole. Horizon is #1 for me, it's one of the best games I've ever played.

  6. I'd recommend trying out Sackboy: A Big Adventure on PS5. It has details in the environments not seen on the PS4. It's a fun to pick up yet challenging to truly complete.

  7. I’d thrown in Sifu in here above any of the bottom five. But I’ve really enjoyed all the games that I’ve played on this list. Waiting for HFW to go on sale later this yr, then I’ll get into it. Elden Ring is probably my number one as well, with Returnal being a shockingly close second and ultimately I might prefer Returnal holistically.

  8. Would replace Deathloop, Demon Souls and Spiderman with Death Stranding, Gran Turismo 7 and FF7. Haven't played deathloop but it didn't get my interest. Meanwhile the other Two, Spiderman's story and characters feels flat compared to batman and the same goes to Demon Souls and new souls games.

  9. OH GOD, Souls GAMES. I'm so hard. YES PLEASE GIVE ME SOULS GAMES. Please put them on every list. I LOVE dying over and over. Please. I want to be a part of the new generation of gamer who plays souls games. I'm gonna get a gaming chair that flashes and LEDs put into my eyes. Oh yes. I love Bloodbourne. I completed it using my wife's boyfriends breadbin. Aren't I cooky and kawaii?! I'm such a gamer. I love Dark Souls. Top 10 list? Need only 2 my friend, BLOODSOULS AND MY PAINFUL RING. I have a picture of the From software logo and use it as p*rn. OH YES!

  10. As someone who really like horizon zero Dawn, forbidden west was a little underwhelming. Story wasn’t as intriguing

  11. I’d have to add FFVII Remake Intergrade to this list as well. I have replayed it via the PS5 recently (finally acquired a console a month ago) and it’s been a joy. The action in this game is so addicting and their are so many jaw dropping moments of spectacle. Great list overall though!
    Btw: Just found out it is #13 on the article via the IGN website (They list the top 15 via the article)
    Also ranked 15 to 11:
    15. Hitman 3
    14. Marvels Guardians of the Galaxy
    13. FFVII Remake Integrade
    12. Sifu
    11. Control Ultimate Edition

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