Apex Legends Mobile Review

Apex Legends Mobile Review

Apex Legends Mobile showcases Respawn’s skill in creating unique and polished FPS experiences even on a mobile platform.


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About the Author: IGN


  1. "A quick game before your next meeting"
    90% of players won't go to meetings because they are working class. Who does this reviewer think that the game is marketed towards?

  2. Many people think that bringing games on mobile will be helpful for them because they can play these games on the go any where but the reality of many people is that they don't have console or pc that'sโ€‹ why they want pc& console games on mobile

  3. Apex need to shut down for couple of months and rethink the game the cosmetics are really meh and way to overpriced the game is the same since 2019 the new legends are really bad and look like generic rpg characters

  4. Many people think that bringing games on mobile will be helpful for them because they can play these games on the go any where but the reality of many people is that they don't have console or pc that'sโ€‹ why they want pc& console games on mobile

  5. Theres a vampire battleroyal type game thatll be releasing on console soon, wish they could make a mobile version. Its so cool gaming with a phone these days cos you can carry your phone wherever and play whenever
    Edit: The game is called Bloodhunt

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