From the Outside it Looks Like a Normal Ring…

Oura Ring Generation 3 is here… Has the ultimate sleep tracker arrived? Sponsored by Oura. Oura Ring Site …


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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. This one does require extensive amount of subscription to access you data that they collect but is behind a pay wall 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬

  2. More videos like this, please. Actually wearing and trying out the products for some time so we know if there a good buy or if they sound great, but suck.

  3. I like the idea of using a ring to track your sleep because I can't sleep with a watch on. But for that price, I might as well get the Apple watch ultra.

  4. But does it come with a warning that prolonged usage will turn you into a ringwraith?!

    Jokes aside, I have a wristband that provides the same amount of data, cost less than $50, does not require a monthly subscription and the battery lasts two to three weeks instead of four days.

  5. This is just smokescreen and placebo effects. This would be a good gadget if it actually did something like working as a mouse or touchpad for your pc or mobile, showing time, contorlling music and such.

  6. No way that could be hacked from your phone and used to get you somehow eh? Or subtly pushing you over time to accept advice or sales talks for certain same instance connected items. Oh.. temperature up a few days.. we have let the local health ministry know you need a PCR test and booster most likely…

  7. Subscription service for a physical object is evil. I hate it. I'm disliking this video, and I'm not even going to continue watching it because it is not a product for me.

  8. What's crazy is how much technology is actually old but new to us, the military get to play with prototypes and experiment with all kinds of advanced tech that we don't get to see for many years.

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