Sons of the Forest – Before You Buy

Sons of the Forest - Before You Buy

Sons of the Forest (PC) is an early access game with solid survival gameplay and good scares. Let’s talk about it. Subscribe for …


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About the Author: gameranx


  1. The multiplayer is hardly buggy, the only issues we had where sometimes when throwing a body it will shoot you under the map to a body of water but you can just “drown” yourself and wake up back in the map and some of the prompts to climb rope are bugged. Oh and logs get launched so it will hurt your friends…. Kinda funny tho

  2. i just absolutley hate the emptyness of the map. i was hoping for perhaps some run down towns or even an apocolyptic city, just beaches, dark narrow caves and miles of endless empty bush with endless food supplies and water supplies. making survival super easy. very similar combat mechanics which is very underwhelming, similar weapons too.

  3. There are a load of bugs. the most notable are the various duplication exploits. want more logs/stones/sticks/bones? spam E at your containers in just the right position. Want more ammo/items? get your friend to save his game on your server with a full inventory and then get him to relog into your server after putting his ammo/items onto shelves. It's deffo a pretty game though.

  4. Be careful when you're around water with Kelvin! I swam across a pretty deep lake and back and didn't notice he was stuck underwater running into the walls with no way out. He doesn't tp or get his position reset so he just stayed there and I had to load a old save from hours previously. Also please make the music boxes craftable. I kick one over to my base everytime I load in. It's kinda nice to have an in-game music source. Even if I'd have to keep it powered I'd still use it.

  5. i wish you could do a scream or a taunt back to the cannibals, its interesting watching their interactions i just wish we could interact with them a bit more besides watching or killing them

  6. Don't be bamboozled, Falcon your just lying, the game is a walking sim with terrible weapon switching system with small ass caves that have same three items for majority of the caves i found with a terrible damaging system. As of right now the game is so trash anyone wondering about buying don't yet wait for updates it came out way too early release.

  7. I've never played the game before this. Is this game worth getting for first timers into survival type of games? Looks really good

  8. Strange, after playing 10 hours I’m extremely disappointed by this game. The most empty and large map I have played in a long time. Building feels shittier than in the prequel. CopyPasta enemies from the first game mostly. Can’t recommend

  9. Game needs numeric weapon hotkeys for backpack, badly. The whole "quick menu" to manually select off your backpack is WAY too slow and pure cancer.

  10. I had to refund, as impulse bought it. This type of the games isnt for me. I would enjoy more watching someone playing it tho as playing it myself.

  11. Hope they fix kelvin BC every time I tell him to get something he runs far asf away from the base and never comes back or if u tell him follow u down a hill he can't do it ? Definitely a big help when he does tho

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