There was an idea to bring together a group of remark3ble people
thats a nice workout you're getting there boi
Yes do the collaboration
Scariest thing is that this is a realife version. Imagine the power behind the one in the movie. It's made of vibranium, the electro-mags are stronger and it's being used by a super-human
plack painter vs blackman america
Marvel needs to call you man wow!!
Is this actually vibranium ?
Is it bulletproof tho
Me want
Good job! This is probably the closest anyone has ever gotten to make a Real captain america shield
You should make a real life human torch
Were did you get that shield and do you live her in new York because I want that shield till your fence were you get it ?
And also is it really real the shield yes or no
This is very Awesome
Damn i didnt know u were from KW too! Saw conestoga mall in back! Pretty cool shit u make dude
Buy a replica shield just like the one we used!
Can you make black panthers clars
This Shield Is Guaranteed for thieves!!
Plss sell you teknologi im plsss
do a spiderman web shooter
There was an idea to bring together a group of remark3ble people
thats a nice workout you're getting there boi
Yes do the collaboration
Scariest thing is that this is a realife version. Imagine the power behind the one in the movie. It's made of vibranium, the electro-mags are stronger and it's being used by a super-human
plack painter vs blackman america
Marvel needs to call you man wow!!
Is this actually vibranium ?
Is it bulletproof tho
Me want
Good job!
This is probably the closest anyone has ever gotten to make a Real captain america shield
You should make a real life human torch
Were did you get that shield and do you live her in new York because I want that shield till your fence were you get it ?
And also is it really real the shield yes or no
This is very Awesome
Damn i didnt know u were from KW too! Saw conestoga mall in back! Pretty cool shit u make dude
instead of haksmith you can be an avenger
How much would it cost to buy one?
You guys really make things real!
thanks for inspiring me to shoot up a school