Numbers show that with the current rates of globalization, by the year 2030 two-thirds of the world’s population will be living in cities. Traffic jams that plague urban communities today would seem like an open highway in just 10 years. So the developers of future transportation solutions are turning to utilizing the aerial space. Autonomous drones, transformer car planes and gyrocopters prepare to see these vehicles hit the air? Enjoy the flight!
Flying cars and drones featured in this video:
EHang 184 – www.ehang.com/ehang184
Terrafugia T-FX – www.terrafugia.com/tf-x/
Pal-V Liberty – www.pal-v.com/en/
Airbus Pop.Up – airbusgroup.com/int/en/news-media/corporate-magazine/Forum-90/PopUp.html
Terrafugia Transition – www.terrafugia.com/the-transition/
AeroMobil 3.0 – www.aeromobil.com/
Skyrunner – www.flyskyrunner.com
eVolo Volocopter – www.e-volo.com/index.php/en/
Lilium Jet – www.lilium.com/
Joby S2 – www.jobyaviation.com/S2/
I see 16 sets of props on the Joby S2. Are 4 of them just sensors for airspeed/direction?
4:35 TF-X looks fake to me. 4 passengers? toomuch weight for only two rotors with small flaps
1:07 Future Comunism. Only that will make this integration, modularity and cooperation possible as part of a public system. Resource saving laws will make reusability mandatory, so only individualistic approach will not be sustainable.
What happens when a flock of ducks or even pidgins take flight and go through the poultry pulverisers ? Safety parachute ? I would not enjoy coming down in Manhattan at rush hour!
I think the TF-X by Terrafugia is the best one out. 2 all electric 600 hp propellers, 500 mile range, 200 mph, and 4 person. autonomous flying takes off, flys, and lands by itself. Really awesome idea. Check it out. terrafugia.com/tf-x Automotive Territory, You should do a video on it.
#5: Rotors mounted in this height are a bit dangerous for passengers.
EV and dronecars will be the future. The IC (internal combustion) engine cars will be gone forever. Car manufacturers not realising this transformation will be left behind. EV cars are powerful, with less engine components, clean and very cheap to maintain. Then, why car manufacturers still waste time, resources and money creating concept cars or luxury cars or rather superhypercars on road, like all these cars with IC engines? Don't waste time creating and manufacturing flying cars with wings and wheels, they still need roads and runways. Moving into the next century, human being will never use the roads anymore as the dronecar, esp produced by Ehang, a famous Chinese drone manufacturer, has replaced the cars as major means of transportation. The dronecars produced by Ehang are fully autonomous, no wheels, no wings, having their own brains to fly and land anywhere on earth as long as there are grounds with the space enough to accommodate the dronecars to land. Autonomous is very effective on flying objects that can manouver the machine freely in any direction. Human transportation on roads will not be viable anymore. So, producing such fancy concept cars with IC engines, though it's awesome today, but comes next century, these cars will be of no interest, as people will go for dronecars to fly them anywhere on earth. People still drive on roads but with EVs only. However, fully electric car manufacturers like Telsla, has the advantage of producing the dronecars as they possess the electrical engineering technology which drive all their cars, that also powers the dronecars. Just don't waste time and money inventing and designing thought to be futuristic concept cars on roads as people will have no interest on driving cars on the road anymore, except the EVs. Everyone will look forward to fly in a dronecar which will become a major transportation, very safe, very fast and very intelligent indeed. Perhaps jet plane will still be reliable for long range cross border transportation. EVs and drone cars are the future, really really awesome.
Lilium Jet is the only design that actually is fully viable for operation. All these designs can fly, that's the easy part. The problem is how much danger each design presents, and how practical they truly are. Fact is, any of these designs that require a runway for take off and landing is a poor idea, as it doesn't solve any current issues concerning convenience congestion and traffic. Open Rotor designs that place the pilot passengers as well as bystanders in harms way are also poor ideas. In the inevitable crash, open rotors will sheer off upon impact, sending broken fragments off at high speeds in all directions. But what abut Helicopters? Current helicopters with its rotors mounted high above the cabin poses less danger to its occupants but extreme danger to bystanders. These drone designs place their rotors directly in the path of both its cabins occupants and potential bystanders, making the designs truly unsafe. The only design here that removes the threat by not having an open rotors is the lilium jet, who's many small turbofans are encased, preventing shards from flying off in the case of an accident. this makes lilium the only concept that is safe to operated in close proximity. Its also a true Vtol not needed and airport nor runway for take off and landing. Its conceivable that it could operate even from ones home to its destination and back. Though its likely even Lilium would operate from small launch sites, such as parking lots. Lilium is also far quieter than an open rotor design due to its turbo fans and is fully electric, producing no direct emissions. Hey i like a lot of the other designs, but after close evaluation their actually not practical, most are too dangerous for operations, the others only bring more congestion and traffic do to their need of using airports to operate.
Sky runner is Ideal for special forces
#1 most practical likely to integrate into society
#8 looks coolest and most futuristic
#10 looks most fun for recreational flying
Anything with rotors, jet engines or wings is an aircraft not a flying car …..
Flying Cars will not use jet engines or rotors……..Back to the future and star wars there are actually flying cars. The technology for flying cars dont exist yet.
A real flying car of the future will not need wings, rotors or jet engines to stay afloat….
u deserve mor sub and wievs