Revenant Kingdom is a meaty, fun adventure but it’s missing the deep characters and challenge that usually come with a JRPG of this scope. How Ni No Kuni II’s Revamped Combat System Changes…
Revenant Kingdom is a meaty, fun adventure but it’s missing the deep characters and challenge that usually come with a JRPG of this scope. How Ni No Kuni II’s Revamped Combat System Changes…
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I give it a 7.3 too much kingdom
This review is so confusing, I have no idea if the reviewer liked the game or not. It's as if he didn't like it, but he wasn't allowed to say it.
I personally love this game, granted it's not as good as the first but that doesn't stop this game from being awesome. Some of the characters in this are just awful but it doesn't detract from the rest of the game at all. I would have given this game a solid 8.5-9. If you were a fan of the first definitely pick it up but don't base it off the first.
7.8, evan looks like a girl
Wait that's a boy?
9/10 "Not enough DLC" -IGN
The circlejerk, that is the comment section, aside. I think this review is good. I played Ni nu Kuni 2 myself the past few days and..it IS lacking in some mayor ways. It's still a good game but comparably not as good as the first one. I think this review reflects that rather well. If this Review didn't had the name IGN at it, it would get a lot more credit I think.
Idk if the review itself is good but i pretty much agree with the score. Everything in this game is so meh to me
You can’t go into a game review without understanding the game you’re playing. Like did you actually just criticize the characters for being naive and optimistic? That’s kind of the point. It’s like criticizing Dark Souls NPCs for being pessimistic, it doesn’t make any sense.
7.8 Thought Evan was a girl
lol ign ever since they gave master of orion 3 a 9.0 rating I cant take them seriously
I was worried that Ni No Kuni 2 was going to get McSheaed like The Last of Us or Skyward Sword, but luckily, it only got Sheaed.
Ni no kuni: Legend of the Glock 19
Not the sequel we needed.
7.8 not enough loot boxes
Damn those dislikes! I'm a new neutral user, but just somewhat dislike ign from that. (Impression wise, not based on reasons etc)
This is why people don't take ign seriously ni no kuni get 7.8 but let it be a CoD, gets a 9. Bruh ?
Que asco , que review mediocre
7.8 – Not enough MOBA elements.
7.8 – Not enough Jazz.
Can anyone else think of some more lmao? This review is pathetic.
The sequel to one of the greatest jrpgs of all time has a lower review than Destiny 2 and you want us to take this review SERIOUSLY!?!?
Pls someone kill that reviewer
Goat simulator 8
Nino kuni 7.8
WTF is Oliver and Friends!!!
So Arnella is going to die? thanks for the spoiler IGN!
7.8 too much JRPG
it looks more like a new dark cloud game instead of a sequel to ni no kuni
7.8 "we dunno lol"
7.8 not enough Persona’s
Boring story and uninteresting characters. Also did anyone else get the sound bug near the beginning of the game where the sound just keeps going off and on.
Love the people bitching at a 7/10
Why do people keep coming here if they don't like ign reviews?
This deserved way more than 7.8, to me this game was completely superior to the previous title.
IGN, you will always be the worst video game reviewers of all time.
After your reviews on Pokémon ORAS and Alien Isolation, I have given up all hope in these people. I rewriting game reviews by IGN when the reviewed Assassin's Creed Rogue Remastered. I am not going to butcher the reviewers intelligence this time due to the fact that they won't understand me.
Actual rating should be 8.7.
If no one pays IGN they point out the most ridiculous flaws.