The London Spitfire are firing on all cylinders as they take down the Philadelphia Fusion 4-0. ✓ Subscribe to ESPN on YouTube: http://es.pn/SUBSCRIBEtoYOUTUBE ✓ Watch Latest Episodes on…
The London Spitfire are firing on all cylinders as they take down the Philadelphia Fusion 4-0. ✓ Subscribe to ESPN on YouTube: http://es.pn/SUBSCRIBEtoYOUTUBE ✓ Watch Latest Episodes on…
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I guess this is a sport
This shit is fucking retarded
Fuck off with this garbage ESPN. there are a million gaming channels in youtube who cover thus shit.
Siege is way better and more demanding than this game.
? Gamers we’re athletes now!!! Remember our girlfriends said we should get a real job? Now look at us.
tf? Never thought I'd see this on here #Outlaws
Joke. You put this shit on and not hockey?
My sons can go on a 50 game streak using lucio
-Lavar ball
I’m finna be the next mj (of fortnite)
Tracer mains smh ESPN y’all can do better?
ESPN got the wrong esport games the gotta get cod in this bitch
❤️ ? ? ? ?
Welcome to the future guys. Esports is here. Get use to it like you got use to Poker being on ESPN2 LOL
Stop crying. Poker is on ESPN from crying out loud. If that is on ESPN, why can’t ESports?
Esports is cool overwatch is cool but these team names are cringy af lmao
I love esports
What game is this
I mean if you make money to support yourself and you enjoy doing something you like, why not.
All these folks hating gon look back at their comments in 10 years and feel stupid.
Espn trying to find a way to become relevant again
I mean if poker is on ESPN then why not put video games they just as competitive
Salty comments mad these esport players makin bank
I'm on fortnite as I write this
totally forgot about this game haha
Fortnite way better, don't @ me.
Gaming is not a sport…it requires no physical attributes this is fake news
I cant be the only who just wanted to read the salty comments.
Rocket League is more a "SPORT" than this
Delet this Nephew
Apparently some people don’t like this. You can tell if you read the comments. Maybe you could create a second channel for esports?
I can’t believe my eyes
It’s cool that ESPN supports E Sports