Karak reviews Extinction out tomorrow for PC, pS4, and Xbox One. Extinction will be 59.99. My Amazon Affiliate link. Buying anything with this link helps ACG http://amzn.to/2igWHDV https://www.pa…
Karak reviews Extinction out tomorrow for PC, pS4, and Xbox One. Extinction will be 59.99. My Amazon Affiliate link. Buying anything with this link helps ACG http://amzn.to/2igWHDV https://www.pa…
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This is Shingeki no War. The god of war that everyone wants!
I would play this for 10 bucks
Looks like a Never Touch to me, especially after Jim Sterling's video on it. Though I don't think I would have looked into it if it wasn't for both of your videos, I really could have mistaken it for a mobile game. Thanks for your hard work!
major props to you. I was half/half about this one. Will just get ao2 instead!
And that is funny ! It makes no sense about this final piece after watching the E3 game exhibition. The video introduction on STEAM is a totally misleading deception. However, the price is pretty high enough to buy a joke lesson. I've just played 5 hours to complete the boring campain even without understanding whatever a story it was… JUST DON'T BUY IT … The Series of Expensive Rubbish.
$60 for this shit of game?! O_o
PSN Flash Sale!
Just play shadow of the colossus again your'll have more fun.
if you want to cut off limbs of huge creatures better buy Toukiden 2, much bigger and better game
This is a triple zzz Game
The fortnite of the adventure game genre
Thanks for saving a lot of people some well earned money, this was part of the games to look forward to in 2018, obviously it hasn't lived up to expectations and people would be better paying for a good triple A game,
Cheers 🙂
Look like mobile game to me.
no VR = no buy
You put more time in the review, than the developers did making the game.
gameplay looks absolutly fucking boring i dont see how anyone can play this
to the 120 people who thumbs down. I give you two thumbs up your asses
This looks like a bucket of hot boiling piss thanks for letting me know ?
here we go people comparing other game that looks the same as fortnite -_-
cool game…..for children.
Subbed as soon as you said “it’s my continuing mission to make reviews not 2 mins long or covered in sponsored bull crap”
Thank a lot I appreciate this review.
What a Pile of crap
Thanks for the entertainment while I destroyed this toilet.
Hey ACG, did I hear u right; 30 FPS on Xbox 1 X?
Acg = best reviewer
Is this game have open world?
This game makes the AoT games look like Shadow of The Colossus
$60 for this, i guess not worth it.
Anyway, can you do review for “Mutant: Road to Eden”? Thank you in advance.
It seems fun, but also still Early Access
This game will be fun to play when the price drops to $15 🙂
Why did they change the art direction? And the fact that they just disappear instead of rag dolling until you leave the area is really disappointing. Pass.
i skip to the last 2 minutes so i can just get your recommendation.
dont look worth 60$…im still feeling ripped off after Sea of Thieves im not eager to waste another 60
More like "The Extinction of No Man's Sea"… XD
Thank you for saving me money on this game, it looked good, but again same tropes of open world, and poor execution bottle necks this game into the what if, or could of been pool. Shame. I was looking forward to this!
I mean, I might pay $5 for it…. 10 on a good day.
60$ for this???…this isn't even a joke…sea of thives flashbacks… D:
Or just buy the Shadow of the Colossus remaster.
The world needs a reboot of Kingdom Of Amalur. That is one of my favorite RPGs too bad it never got a sequel
I've never even heard of this game and now a bunch of videos are popping in my feed on it wtf
Best reviews on youtube.
and its expensive as hell for what it is..
we keep getting worst and worst games for worst and worst prices…
This always seemed like a B tier game, which would be fine if the price is right and there's something unique or interesting about it. Not only did they decide to charge $60, but nothing about it even looks good. 🙁
Thx for your review man.
This just confirmed my expectations.
Ill keep my rant very short;
Game sucks. Would probably not even buy it for 10 bucks.
I have to be honest though, im not into the cartoony type of (looking) games.
It looks so boring and repetitive, it's crazy they are charging $60 for this
the field of view is a bit off. Its pretty hard on the eyes to watch him run around on the landscape. It has that fish bowl look whenever you adjust the fov a bit too extreme. Just watching this review gave me a headache.
At least it is bloody. 😛