Crypto, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Tron (TRX), Cardano (ADA), EOS (EOS) & More Altcoins Trading Future Price Prediction & Coin News 2018!
Is “HODL” dead?
? Let’s get this crypto!
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Disclaimer: The content covered in this video is NOT investment advice. I’m NOT a financial adviser. These are only my own personal opinions, ideas, tutorials, charts, technical analysis, insights and price prediction. Always do your own research and only invest solely based on your own findings and personal judgement. Deciding to Invest in and Buy Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Tron (TRX), Cardano (ADA), EOS (EOS) And all other Crypto/Bitcoins/Altcoins or ICO/ICOs is extremely high risk!
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orhttps://t.me/CryptoKirby )Hodl for that 15% tax vs. 35% tax.
Now its time to HODL baby!! 🙂
Nicely put! Hodl is definitely dead, people need to be more active traders because that’s where all the money is in 2018
Average Joe knows what hodl means. They’re not searching google anymore?
Love ur work.I think also theres less search on hodl because this years theres been so much on tv,social media on bitcoin.that averge knows what hodl meens.??
Still gunna hodl til 2019
Good video dude.
My other understanding of holding is Warren Buffets strategy of buying a undervalued stock and holding it for a long time. Amazon took 15 years to realize those life changing games.
I hold coins for when and if this market takes off. Maybe it never will? Who knows. None of these prodjects have come to fruition as far as I know. I always heard hodl if your coin goes down to not sell for a loss. I'm no trader but maybe I should be.
So you're basically saying HODL is being used as a phrase for the Pump and Dump mindset.
Hi Kirby,
If you look at the bitcoin lifetime chart in logarithmic scale you'll see it took 4 years to do the first 10x and only 1 year to do the second and last 10x, even if it was necessary a lot more money.
So, in my opinion, it is still good to hodl.
BTC market cap will grow so much. 150 billions are nothing.
Thanks Kirbs. Still HODL some coins. But, when the opportunity comes to swing a trade, you gotta take it.
My goal is to grow my overall BTC holdings by trading alts. As I get enough growth just pull 1 BTC at a time out of the trading pool and HODL the nest egg. I thought HODL meant to Hold On for Dear Life when the price was going down because you believe it will go back up to newer highs later. I don't know, I have been in the space for only 6 months so I could be wrong.
As someone who got in in December, I have been holding through the whole downtrend, and accumulating more along the way. It has been a trial by fire. I have been learning about swing trades and TA and will soon be more in a position logistically to begin swing trading. As a new investor, there is a lot to learn, and look forward to accumulating through trading rather than by constantly injecting new fiat. Everyone's situation is different. I started with nothing. I think holding has its benefits, but so does trading and taking profit. To continue to hodl my entire portfolio indefinitely would be a fairly passive strategy (for me). I will be allocating a relatively small percentage of my holdings, say 10% for trading, and increase that as I get more comfortable with and see profit with my trades. Kirby, your live stream yesterday focusing on goals is much appreciated and needed for people new to investing in general. Thanks. I would add that learning to curb the emotional swings takes time as well. I don't want to be an emotional trader.
If " nobody " hodled, what would you do Kirby? Get a job at McDonalds?
I love BTC so im laddering some smaller amounts since i joined crypto 2 months ago.Also have some trading cash on binance but my selected alts are all down so now im hodling.
Hodl hodl 5 years long term hold
HODL is DEAD? what kind of click bait title is that.
im glad my question from yesterdays livestream stirred up this video, good stuff
ur talking bullshit. nothing more. nothing less
You are stupid think if you bought apple in the beginning then you will be right now,,the cryptos is in the beginning and if you hodl you will probably be more happy then traders..because when you sell and see the price rise and rise you bwill be haunted by FOMO..and then when you buy in again prices will fall and you will be filled by FUD,
You're not right this time. People use HODL when price dip, not when going up.
I was very disappointed by Bitcoin( Now I have the only hope for Telegram – token. I bought 10000 tokens. Literally for a couple of days of an open pre-sale they snapped up almost all the tokens on http://www.newtokens.info/gramblockchain
You gonna pay your event tax for every trade made in the us?
hodl is far from dead, its a stratagie because people believe in general uptrend of the market over long periods of time.
Holdl gang, holdl gang
do you think we will see 6k or 5k bitcoin soon and what caused this crash
Sounds like the dogs are against HODL'ing.
Hodling trx for the mainnet launch in a few weeks.
I love that you have dogs. Thanks Kirby. I love that you're here everyday instead of globetrotting to meet your fans. Do you have any thoughts on AML token?
i got wreckd by BCN on binance. lost my shirt ?
i need a new strategy
Lol hodl is the way to go if you can wait 2 years like the hodlers in 2014…I'm not gonna make the mistake people made back in those bear market day's and just give on crypto im just gonna passively invest every month in the coins I 100 percent believe in.
Hodl is a term to manipulate the noobs. Keeps coins out of the market. Helps sellers. Keeps the the amount of sellers lower.
Thank ya, Kirby!