DODGE BULLETS IN VIRTUAL REALITY! Jelly — July 16, 2018 34 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Buy the Oculus Rift and Touch package €449 for a limited time only #SummerofRift: thanks Oculus for hooking me up with their AMAZING … source echo arena game games jelly jelly vr Oculus Rift oculus rift touch controllers oculus vr Space Virtual Reality vr Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
Jelly you're a Savage
i Love yourvideos
I am going to throw you a birthday party
Jelly do you have a Xbox one or PS4
the vr thing is 400 dollars.
I want it
Free jelly shrot
I played this game me and my cousin play it all the time
Jelly you can use the bullet
Thumb long actress dirty foreign stiff funding walking social facilitate flag obligation.
You are so good at joacs
Jelly nice video
I played this on consle
Jelly if you lice at the tadeul
Because i am so happy
How too
I want ne
I want won
Well, when life gives you lemons!
You are cool
I play roblox jay gaming
I did it
I am a big fan
Where is Josh's diss track
I played that in the mall in VR
You are halaris ????????????????????????????
You are so funny
It. So Friday nigh
Cool thanks man you are hereby
I want a headset please jelly