VIRTUAL REALITY DJ SIMULATOR! | Electronauts VR: Multiplayer (HTC Vive Gameplay)

Today we are going to play Electronauts VR, a game that lets you step into the role of a top DJ . In this rhythm based title you can create music with confidence, …


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About the Author: Nathie


  1. Nice dance moves Nathie. You should come to the weekly thewavevr parties and dance with us! Wait, at 4:27, I haven't tried the Synth Ball yet.

  2. Nathie you must be super busy. This game came out already a week. But this time, I got the psvr version. This is more a rhythm editing tool than creating tool since all the tracks are already there, you just interact with different elements to rearrange them. The upcoming Track Lab will be more a music creating tool.

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