iPhone vs Android (The Real Winner)!

It’s time to answer the question once and for all. For everyone. Blue Bubbles vs Green Bubbles explained: …


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About the Author: Marques Brownlee


  1. Funny that you mentioned Instagram and Threads when you talked about apps, because both of them are developed with React Native, therefore, the code is "same".

  2. You need Security you need an ecosystem you need longevity and you need optimization internally and performance longevity. Every new phone works great for a little while. How's that device going to be working two years from now cause the average person with an unstable economy needs Longevity. Lets be honest here. I can afford a brand new phone twice a year but I can use my iPhone 8S Plus. all the way to the 13 pro max. Next ill get a 15 or 16. YOU CANT DO THAT WITH ANDROID. These reviewers never say this

  3. Easy answer is both phones are good. Another easy thing to point out is that users who ignorantly hate on the opposing phone and judge those users are losers.

  4. iPhone started out with a focus on ease of use and to do so they started abstracting certain things. Android started out as a linux computer trying to fit in pocket. At the moment, Apple has taken the abstraction too far, and more importantly have entirely taken control of what can be done, it feels like you are renting a phone not owning one. Android on the other hand copied the "user friendly" abstractions and ideas from iPhone over the years, while still giving an interface to cross that abstraction boundary. It's a fine balance, that both the OSes seem to be converging towards from different directions.

  5. A for me, compatibility is a big deal. After using several big screen phones, I got bored of that. Yes, there are Android phones which are compact, there we have de Asus Zen Phone, bt you always have to sacrifice something: pixel density, battery life, processor, camera, etc. I moved to iphone to because of it: even the smallest phone has almost the same feature and performance so deciding between an 13 mini and a 13 pro max is not much of a difference. Currently using the regular 13 and works like a charm and it doesn't get bloated over time as it happened with my S21 Ultra. At the end of the day is just a perspective thing and what fits better for you.

  6. I used both and they are both excellent! I settle with Android just for the many different options and also indie apps like Gyroflow, etc…

  7. One thing you forgot to mention on the apps side was the apps vetoed from the iOS store.

    For instance – there are no emulators on iOS

    The irony about Apple is; they make our lives a little better at the cost of making our lives great.

    Much like the issue of pharmaceuticals, drugs at some point must become generic.

    We don't have that in the technology sector, so IP like the lightning connector, like the Metal graphics API, like x86 are held indefinitely.

    Apple does not want to work with others because it would genuinely reduce their revenue to collaborate as that would create options for the consumer.

    To make their products stand out, they need to make sure all products are worse – if that means nerfing their own products to achieve it – so be it, the consumer would never know

  8. The winner is the one I (you) am using to watch that video ,(Google Fold for me), or the one in your pocket, or the one you can afford.
    I'd have a Iphone 14 pro max if they didn't remove the sim card tray.
    I have no loyalty to any brand, I speak with my wallet, what I need and want, not the trend or so called influencers.

  9. I completely disagree with the apps point… Major apps are becoming more optimised on android, but the biggest thing is that iPhone simply does not have certain apps that people need to use. What are you gonna do then? Buy a whole new phone? I'd rather have to make an extra tap when using an app than buy a whole new phone.

  10. lets not forget one important factor. the people attitude. Android people are way cooler. you move the end call 2pixels and they lose it? yeah, sounds like cool people. lol. android keeps us on our toes and more acceptant of change. also, i worked at the apple store in college and quite 3 months later. it was pretty much a cult and im not about that. Winner, Android!

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