Mario’s new romp fuses old with new in a joyous adventure that should not be missed. The First 20 Minutes of Super Mario Odyssey Why Super Mario…
Nintendo is the way forward, always has been, the mainstream has just forgotten in the past 10 years
Zelda: 10/10 Mario: 10/10 Now we are only missing a 10/10 Pokémon game for the Switch
mindless praise
I d o n t t h i n k i t s. G o o d
This game should have a score of 11/10
But it's not meele
But isn't Mario the same thing over and over again you okay that level you best it cool next one go on to into a castle that's one of characters helping bowser then the final level beat bowser you see what I mean right also but the only reason that's a good side for its not a boss fight were you press a button or axe then bowser goes big or that's just it and you save peach and you get a kiss that's the weird part I don't get about Mario
Finally a new game for the Odyssey
I imagined Alex Navarro reading this after he guzzeled prozac, and it was funny.
This game is mediocre
Mario didn't help popularize the genre. He created the genre.
Im really liking this game but im not a fan of how there are so many power moons in each world. I dont really feel like im accomplishing anything/not as satisfying since theyre all so easy to find. I wish it was more like mario64 where they gave you little hints on how to find each star, and some were hard to find too, do any of you feel the same way?
You ever heard of spoilers dewd?
It's a mastapiece
Thank you!
2017 sure was a good year for Nintendo
I mean, the ending was terrible, but Super Mario Odyssey is still the best game ever.
NO, NO, NO! The Witcher 3 has one of the best stories in decades and a deep combat system with over 40 enemies and gets a 9.3! I'm done.
its stuipd this game its dumb
I already know that the game is perfect. Why am i even here?
too easy and isn't 10/10. NEVER!
10/10 IGN
Its called a ground pound by the way
Boring game
I've only discovered today that I haven't finish any Mario game in my life. I started playing them but only ended up to the 5th world or less. But I have finished approximately about 300 or more games total in Gba, DS, Psp, Ps1, Ps2, Ps3, Ps4, PC, Android and a handful of Xbox games.
LONG LIVE SUPER MARIO ODYSSEY! No one can beat his franchise. Well maybe the Zelda game can do it?
i wasnt buying a switch for zelda and skyrim but this might put me over the edge. 🙂
“I like stacking up 10 goombAAAAAAHS to impress a particularly hard to get lady goombAAAAAAAAAH.” -IGN 2017
How?… This game is a disappointing sequel to Galaxy and even 3D world. It has tedium, rehashes and focuses on nostalgia WAY TO MUCH! BoTW is an 6, Odyssey is a 6. How is Odyssey as good as the masterpiece that is Galaxy?
It's a good game. But no masterpiece.
This is only .4 better than Fortnite. Just saying
10/10 would ign again say that 5 times fast
Nintendo is the way forward, always has been, the mainstream has just forgotten in the past 10 years
Zelda: 10/10
Mario: 10/10
Now we are only missing a 10/10 Pokémon game for the Switch
mindless praise
I d o n t t h i n k i t s. G o o d
This game should have a score of 11/10
But it's not meele
But isn't Mario the same thing over and over again you okay that level you best it cool next one go on to into a castle that's one of characters helping bowser then the final level beat bowser you see what I mean right also but the only reason that's a good side for its not a boss fight were you press a button or axe then bowser goes big or that's just it and you save peach and you get a kiss that's the weird part I don't get about Mario
Finally a new game for the Odyssey
I imagined Alex Navarro reading this after he guzzeled prozac, and it was funny.
This game is mediocre
Mario didn't help popularize the genre. He created the genre.
Im really liking this game but im not a fan of how there are so many power moons in each world. I dont really feel like im accomplishing anything/not as satisfying since theyre all so easy to find. I wish it was more like mario64 where they gave you little hints on how to find each star, and some were hard to find too, do any of you feel the same way?
You ever heard of spoilers dewd?
It's a mastapiece
Thank you!
2017 sure was a good year for Nintendo
I mean, the ending was terrible, but Super Mario Odyssey is still the best game ever.
NO, NO, NO! The Witcher 3 has one of the best stories in decades and a deep combat system with over 40 enemies and gets a 9.3! I'm done.
its stuipd this game its dumb
I already know that the game is perfect. Why am i even here?
too easy and isn't 10/10.
10/10 IGN
Its called a ground pound by the way
Boring game
I've only discovered today that I haven't finish any Mario game in my life.
I started playing them but only ended up to the 5th world or less.
But I have finished approximately about 300 or more games total in Gba, DS, Psp, Ps1, Ps2, Ps3, Ps4, PC, Android and a handful of Xbox games.
LONG LIVE SUPER MARIO ODYSSEY! No one can beat his franchise. Well maybe the Zelda game can do it?
i wasnt buying a switch for zelda and skyrim but this might put me over the edge. 🙂
“I like stacking up 10 goombAAAAAAHS to impress a particularly hard to get lady goombAAAAAAAAAH.” -IGN 2017
How?… This game is a disappointing sequel to Galaxy and even 3D world. It has tedium, rehashes and focuses on nostalgia WAY TO MUCH!
BoTW is an 6, Odyssey is a 6.
How is Odyssey as good as the masterpiece that is Galaxy?
This is the first game I've seen IGN give a 10/10
Best. Game. Ever. (I’m dead serious)
Cappy-Oddessy’s freshest idea?
(Looks at Skylanders Trap Team)