Top 10 Best HTC Vive VR Games | PC virtual reality games

Showcasing our list of the best virtual reality games released on the PC’S HTC Vive. These are the top rated VR titles on the HTC Vive. Support our channel by getting these games through the…


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About the Author: whatoplay


  1. This is the worst list I’ve ever seen???where is super hot, onward, rick and Morty vr, vr chat, office simulator and all the other games people ACTUALLY PLAY.

  2. vive games look basic and sucks compared to psvr, vive use pc, they should create more powerful games like syrim, witcher, not a typical shooting game same to mobile vr, RE7 on psvr is a good example.

  3. You're just reading out the product description, that doesn't help anyone. Sounds like you haven't even played most of them

  4. Just played it today.. And it was a hella boxing. Big opponent so fun! Don't play too much with it, after I played, I feel like I've drink too much alcohol. Wew!

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