Today we are going to play the one and only hamburger simulator also known as The Diner Duo! It’s a great game for the entire family. So attention to all the parents out there with a Vive…
How do you get your hamburger patties to smell so good? Mine smell like a Vive controller!
it's mustard
I m a kid
the yellow thing is mustard?
I'm hungry I want some hamburgers ?
your back
Im 10
im back nathie try fliping the burgers that you maked
HaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!! Nathie is funny!!
hey nathie do waching my old vids
is very easy game
i love vr
Good video! very funny. I downloaded the game for my touch!
that yellow canter was mustard
Hello before you walk I wanted to thank you for the channel as it is my VR game guide. Also wanted to comment if you could make a top of games for free. Maybe you have to be so please if you can provide the link .. I hope you continue like this A hugs and a kiss from spain
dont comment on this comment or your classified as a keyboard warrior
Love your videos keep doing it please
#asknathie do you have a Instagram account? If not you should get one.
Nathie I love your content, but I havr feedback that might be important to you.
Switch between the 3rd person perspective and the First Person Perspective more often, or try and make it mix more better.
Also, I don't think "Kid friendly" is a good title, and I hate seeing this kind of titles in my sub box. Take example of TheDiamondMinecart. Before his insane subscriber count, around 1,000,000, he was a fun YouTuber to watch. However, last time I sae another video from him, I saw unappealing titles to even the mature 12 year old. Sure, I understand that you might want to aim for a bigger demographic, which was Dan's example.
However, I'm going to say STOP GOING ANY FURTHER from making your content catering to a small demographic from VR and getting your channel to be oriented into a children oriented channel. I might point out that kids might invest when they get older about VR, but it is up to you for your channel on how to grow.
It's Mustard
hi ?
hey bro I facebooked you a message when you get a chance can you check it out
why do you saw let's a go
Back Again?
Awesome video man! Come and check out our Wireless VR Setup and drop a comment tell us what you think!
#asknathie what inspired you to start a channel? and why only VR?
Mustard is the yellow thing
i am new
how you do thet
How do you get your hamburger patties to smell so good? Mine smell like a Vive controller!
it's mustard
I m a kid
the yellow thing is mustard?
I'm hungry I want some hamburgers ?
your back
Im 10
im back nathie try fliping the burgers that you maked
HaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!! Nathie is funny!!
hey nathie do waching my old vids
is very easy game
i love vr
Good video! very funny. I downloaded the game for my touch!
that yellow canter was mustard
Hello before you walk I wanted to thank you for the channel as it is my VR game guide.
Also wanted to comment if you could make a top of games for free.
Maybe you have to be so please if you can provide the link ..
I hope you continue like this
A hugs and a kiss from spain
Gourmet chef job simulator kkkkkkk
This game looks so good!!!!!
And gorn is kid friendly. What's your point.
he could be single or watever
This would be prefect for PS VR
Shrinking yourself is just funny Nathie.??
play happy wheels in vr
love you Nathie your the best. God Bless You
Please don't siiiiiinnngggg
π continue like this you are super
I love your vids play more vr xD
Bathes back! back on track!
dont comment on this comment or your classified as a keyboard warrior
Love your videos keep doing it please
#asknathie do you have a Instagram account?
If not you should get one.
Nathie I love your content, but I havr feedback that might be important to you.
Switch between the 3rd person perspective and the First Person Perspective more often, or try and make it mix more better.
Also, I don't think "Kid friendly" is a good title, and I hate seeing this kind of titles in my sub box. Take example of TheDiamondMinecart. Before his insane subscriber count, around 1,000,000, he was a fun YouTuber to watch. However, last time I sae another video from him, I saw unappealing titles to even the mature 12 year old. Sure, I understand that you might want to aim for a bigger demographic, which was Dan's example.
However, I'm going to say STOP GOING ANY FURTHER from making your content catering to a small demographic from VR and getting your channel to be oriented into a children oriented channel. I might point out that kids might invest when they get older about VR, but it is up to you for your channel on how to grow.
It's Mustard
hi ?
hey bro I facebooked you a message when you get a chance can you check it out
why do you saw let's a go
Back Again?
Awesome video man! Come and check out our Wireless VR Setup and drop a comment tell us what you think!
#asknathie what inspired you to start a channel? and why only VR?