The sequel will feature a new Season Mode and over 200 players. NBA Playgrounds Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXDGx5Tw3lc NBA Playgrounds – Winning the New York Tournament https://www.y…
The sequel will feature a new Season Mode and over 200 players. NBA Playgrounds Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXDGx5Tw3lc NBA Playgrounds – Winning the New York Tournament https://www.y…
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I dont usually play sports games, but this might seem interesting. Anybody wanna give me some feedback
So, this is the love child of 90's NBA Jam and NBA Street? No thank you….
will this be in game pass at launch?
First, I don't even feel like the original game is a finished product yet. Second, this trailer is lazy and actually takes away hype that I may have had. The big slow mo dunk in the trailer is a move that I am sick of seeing from the 1,000 times I have seen it in the first game. And did you even really use the main menu music from the first game as the trailer music for 2?
But why….
Whats even different?
NBA jam anyone?
Yesssssss finally
Good old NBA Streets feelings
bring back nba street please. that's the only way ea going to beat 2k in bball game
Give us NBA Street! This mediocre crap never fulfilled what it promised and now they are doing version 2 instead of fixing 1!?
Just give us NBAStreet game
Dude the first game like just came out chill
We need another nba street with filayyyy guy,bobbito cucumber slice,Joe the show,and haha Davis calling the games also a def jam fight for NY 2
I wish new games wouldn't waste our time with prerendered footage and show actual in game footage. It's always a let down when you see the actual game.
The first one was somewhat fun but the game was totally unbalanced with rebounds and steals.
Looks like the same game 2me
Bring back nba street, that will peak my interest more than this silly cartoon of a game.
First Shaq Fu now this? Yo Im having a retro flashback lol
The switch needs this
I just want NBA Jam or (NBA) Street…
Hell just remaster them! They're remastering CODs left and right anyways
Why do they keep making this garbage. What I wouldn't give for a new NBA jam or NBA street remastered. Pleas EA we need it
Switch port and patches coming year 2049.
I like Michael Jordan be a Playable in this
1st was so bad… Im staying well away from this god awful series
NBA Battlegrounds… :))
Pass, bring back NBA Street EA.! ?
This is not a sequel
BOOM SHAKALAKA, wait.. wrong game…
Literally no one asked for this