DJ Khaled had a less than amazing performance this past weekend at the Overwatch League Grand Finals as the crowd did not seem to resonate with his music …
DJ Khaled had a less than amazing performance this past weekend at the Overwatch League Grand Finals as the crowd did not seem to resonate with his music …
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How do you think the OWL finals could be improved next year?
Was there in person. Nothing was cringier than the EDM "performance painter." Was a disaster. Also I hated the DJ
Rick fox is great
It is pronounced as Goo-ang-joe, but don't worry most non-Chinese did not figure out how to say it the first time and we'll most likely be hearing lots of different pronounciations in the future as well lol, and there really isn't anything wrong with that. Super glad to know that my home town is getting an OWL representative team tho!!! So excited for the reveal!!??????
Can Toronto get a team please. (Or anywhere in canada)
When I was here it felt so awkward with his music since most of the crowd wasn't into it
Its not Soccer, its football
Why more NA teams, smh a joke
The best way of doing this would be the Apex style, the players would immediately run out, and hoist the trophy. Then, they would give it to the Franchise owner while the players, coaches, and analysts get medals.
That trophy ceremony was abysmal. I hated the fact that the owner got the trophy and didnt even act like it was something big. I really hope Blizzard make a much better trophy ceremony next season.
Or maybe, you know, they could make a trophy that isn't 70 lbs of solid steel
Love the thumbnail.
5:40 that woman is so annoying
Where's philly post match interview
I live in ATL where are the try outs!
They need a Moscow or keiv franchise to try reach out to a CIS audience.
As someone from Marseille I’m sad they’re making a paris team and don’t stick with the city 🙁 but hey french team yay
That view clip pisses me off. They never really give him a chance to talk, all of his sentences are interjected between the rest of the groups.
The problem is that DJ Khaled seemed disinterested, and his tpye of music doesn't necessarily attract the overwatch crowd. It didn't help that the audio was trash. But oh well, for a first time Grand finals, I thought it went well. Just fix up janky audio issues, and everything will be fine in the future.
Lmfao they weren’t strong enough to lift a fucking trophy lmfaoooo
Paris team=eagle gaming
Overwatch league is a joke
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