3 Cool Gadgets Under $50

THE LINKS ARE DOWN HERE Pitaka iPhone 7 Case (USA Link) – http://amzn.to/2o0kNZ9 Pitaka iPhone 7 Case (International) – http://geni.us/qbKsTqp …


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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. Please tell me the model of your glasses mate that your wearing I really love them and want to buy some I have spent all weekend trying find some the same Thankyou

  2. Or you just ignore the fact that there are germs on your phone
    Because your immuno system is handling those with ease.

    UV radiation (we don't call it light in science) is quite damaging to plastic and colourings.
    So I would strongly advice against using UV to desinfect your phone

  3. Last product is stupid…its most likely cheaper using rubbing alcohol and a microfiber cloth to clean your phone i have been doing that for years

  4. You are faking it bro. You started by saying this will clean the phone of grime and smudges etc but then figured out on the spot after seeing the box that it's uv filter only.

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