Is The Galaxy Note 9 The Best Smartphone of 2018?

Is the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 the best smartphone for 2018 or is it just another Note? One thing’s for sure, if you want to Play Fortnite for Android the Note 9 is …


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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. But somehow the fucking iPhone and fucking pixel devices are recommended by u to be bought even though they r just as expensive if not more and are lesser phones in terms of specs???

  2. Why do you suggest in this video that we would have to suggest to others why this phone is better? Seriously who cares? I have an idea. Why not make the case to others on how to make the world a better place and to stop all the fighting.

  3. fucking just rename it to mini tab idk how much will companies increase the size
    like legit wtf mobile itself means small and easy to fit device

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