Please do not spoil quests in a review. That is just absurd.
ign = ingamename?
Reviewer complained almost the entire video – then gives a surprising 8.5 score… I just got the following enhanced edition & I cant wait to boot it up – weird review.
DL2 hype
Very underrated 🙁
This zombie game is woefully underrated, even on an 8.5 score. And it`s huge. I thought the first city was the whole game, until it opened up into a second huge city! Well worth the cash unlike most games.
This game is gorgeous
Your Game is too hard for me I'm only 10 year old I'm on the last and I keep on getting killed by the nightmare, !!!!!!! COME ON!!!
8.5?? Needs to be a 10/10, 4 years later this game still stands as one of the greatest zombie games ever made, Techland fixed all their bugs on this game, online is awesome the campaign was awesome(but a little short) and the following was even better, not to mention all the free DLC content drop we are getting from Techland…not just one of the best zombie games ever but one of the best video games I've ever played
Wheres stepphen curry?
In a first person parkour game, a shoulder button is about the most convenient button to map jump/climb. Think about it, how often do both of your thumbs get occupied by the movement and camera thumbsticks, how often do your thumbs react fast enough to press the A/cross button to do the grapple move in game? Mirror’s Edge did the same thing back in 2008 not just for shits and giggles.
Some zombies yell “No! Please!”
If only you could manually save
Should mention that there's no ending.
This game is soo good that even Einstein would have been impressed
The following enhanced edition on sale for $18!
If you guys think this game is worth more than 8.5 your basically saying it's a masterpiece ???. This game is not a masterpiece and it'd be a crime to call it so. This is a great review because it's not worth anymore than this in fact id say it's too high, I would've gave it a 7. The story is revolting, the combat and free running is fun that's the only reason people liked this game.
"too much zombie" 2.3/10 -IGN
Ok so there’s pro’s and con’s I feel about dying light and would like to see fixed for dying light 2: Pro’s: – soundtrack! – some core gameplay elements – weapons felt meaningful and not like twigs
Con’s: – story was boring let’s be honest – the way the game gave you access to higher based weapons too soon was so frustrating as well as once you do have higher there’s no more lower grade weapons!
Some improvements I’d personally like would be: – alternative vehicles such as trucks – a setting in which there’s skyscrapers etc. – more accessible and open buildings that don’t require side missions
All in all it’s a good game with great potential
Came back to say this game is so great Its still my favorite zombie game I've played so far
I liked dead Island Better
This game is epic
34hrs!? And you only got 60%!? Bro, wtf where you doing? Based storyline is at most 10-15hrs. If you throw in side quests that's about 25-30hrs.
I'm not a fast gamer, I actually invested a lot of time exploring, climbing, admiring the graphics, looting etc. I beat the game at what I thought was a slow pace considering how people beat it in under 15hrs. After game completion I started to focus more on side quests since I ignored a lot of them. I expect to be at 35hrs with 100% completion at the rate I'm going so yeahhh whatcha did? Lol
I don't know how long I took for the campaign but I've played for almost 72 hours and I'm still playing
This game was fricken awesome
This review is actually good id give it a 9
Im still waiting for a third person, free running zombie game.
Yeah this isn't a super good review but honest I really like this game and a lot of people do so…
Dying light 7.5/10 to many elavators
ahh it could have been a 9
Bought it a few months back for $15 the enhanced version. Haven’t played it because it looks too much like Dead Island and if it’s the same, I’m afraid I can’t handle that same type of grind just to end the game.
The light never died.. zombies are to hard to kill. Open world was to big
6.5/10 IGN
I agree for once with an ign review
What a great game
dying light 2: patient zero.
just based on what ive seen, the game looks less like a typical zombie survival and more like Far Cry: Zombie City. Which i still cant tell if i like or not; i think it depends on how the game is approached.
Is it worth buying in 2017? Or should i wait for days gone and the last of us 2?
Bought this on the PS Store for €20 and it's honestly the most enjoyable game I've ever played.
Great review and great video. ?
where is the lesbian kissing scene
One of the best game ever
Please do not spoil quests in a review. That is just absurd.
ign = ingamename?
Reviewer complained almost the entire video – then gives a surprising 8.5 score… I just got the following enhanced edition & I cant wait to boot it up – weird review.
DL2 hype
Very underrated 🙁
This zombie game is woefully underrated, even on an 8.5 score. And it`s huge. I thought the first city was the whole game, until it opened up into a second huge city! Well worth the cash unlike most games.
This game is gorgeous
Game is too hard for me I'm only 10 year old I'm on the last and I keep on getting killed by the nightmare, !!!!!!! COME ON!!!
8.5?? Needs to be a 10/10, 4 years later this game still stands as one of the greatest zombie games ever made, Techland fixed all their bugs on this game, online is awesome the campaign was awesome(but a little short) and the following was even better, not to mention all the free DLC content drop we are getting from Techland…not just one of the best zombie games ever but one of the best video games I've ever played
Wheres stepphen curry?
In a first person parkour game, a shoulder button is about the most convenient button to map jump/climb. Think about it, how often do both of your thumbs get occupied by the movement and camera thumbsticks, how often do your thumbs react fast enough to press the A/cross button to do the grapple move in game?
Mirror’s Edge did the same thing back in 2008 not just for shits and giggles.
Some zombies yell “No! Please!”
If only you could manually save
Should mention that there's no ending.
This game is soo good that even Einstein would have been impressed
The following enhanced edition on sale for $18!
If you guys think this game is worth more than 8.5 your basically saying it's a masterpiece ???. This game is not a masterpiece and it'd be a crime to call it so. This is a great review because it's not worth anymore than this in fact id say it's too high, I would've gave it a 7. The story is revolting, the combat and free running is fun that's the only reason people liked this game.
"too much zombie" 2.3/10 -IGN
Ok so there’s pro’s and con’s I feel about dying light and would like to see fixed for dying light 2:
– soundtrack!
– some core gameplay elements
– weapons felt meaningful and not like twigs
– story was boring let’s be honest
– the way the game gave you access to higher based weapons too soon was so frustrating as well as once you do have higher there’s no more lower grade weapons!
Some improvements I’d personally like would be:
– alternative vehicles such as trucks
– a setting in which there’s skyscrapers etc.
– more accessible and open buildings that don’t require side missions
All in all it’s a good game with great potential
Came back to say this game is so great Its still my favorite zombie game I've played so far
I liked dead Island Better
This game is epic
34hrs!? And you only got 60%!? Bro, wtf where you doing? Based storyline is at most 10-15hrs. If you throw in side quests that's about 25-30hrs.
I'm not a fast gamer, I actually invested a lot of time exploring, climbing, admiring the graphics, looting etc. I beat the game at what I thought was a slow pace considering how people beat it in under 15hrs. After game completion I started to focus more on side quests since I ignored a lot of them. I expect to be at 35hrs with 100% completion at the rate I'm going so yeahhh whatcha did? Lol
I don't know how long I took for the campaign but I've played for almost 72 hours and I'm still playing
This game was fricken awesome
This review is actually good id give it a 9
Im still waiting for a third person, free running zombie game.
Yeah this isn't a super good review but honest I really like this game and a lot of people do so…
Dying light 7.5/10 to many elavators
ahh it could have been a 9
Bought it a few months back for $15 the enhanced version. Haven’t played it because it looks too much like Dead Island and if it’s the same, I’m afraid I can’t handle that same type of grind just to end the game.
The light never died.. zombies are to hard to kill. Open world was to big
I agree for once with an ign review
What a great game
dying light 2: patient zero.
just based on what ive seen, the game looks less like a typical zombie survival and more like Far Cry: Zombie City. Which i still cant tell if i like or not; i think it depends on how the game is approached.
Is it worth buying in 2017? Or should i wait for days gone and the last of us 2?
Bought this on the PS Store for €20 and it's honestly the most enjoyable game I've ever played.
the story was so poor just like the characters