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About the Author: Marques Brownlee


  1. This was funny when it was all on twitter, just joking around – but when you make an entire video about it calling them "infractions" and treating it like it's an actual issue that companies should be embarrassed about, it takes on a different light. You said it yourself, so what if someone in the marketing team wants to use a different phone? Who actually cares? The opinion of one employee is not reflective of the entire brand of Samsung or Huawei etc… what a non-story.

    Also bringing in LTT like that, it probably helps to give the context of the video. The way you brought it up makes it seem like they did a video just bashing on Apple sent from an Iphone! When in reality it was a response to a similar video the did for iPhones. Really disappointed by this low-effort video from a normally high quality channel.

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