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About the Author: IGN


  1. This is going to be a fantastical failure of epic proportions… Oh my goodness, I don't even want to look at the aftermath of this historic disaster…

  2. People are treating this as a dedicated console, when this is really just another option to play. Its not like google has a bomb on your consoles saying you have to play Stadia or nothing else.

  3. I'm a Playstation guy and I always plan on having a traditional console as long as they make them, but I'm definitely interested in the Google Stadia

  4. Why can't we just stream PC games that we already own. Like what Nvidia does with their service? I don't know if this will be a success if they don't at least give us benefits other than the fact that you don't need a console, because the negatives far outweigh that positive.

  5. This sounds neat but I want to mod my games such as Fallout and Elder Scrolls and it’s pretty obvious you can’t do that here. Yeah pass

  6. I don’t think US has the infrastructure to support Stadia, but the 14 countries they will release the Founders pack in, all do (Belgium, Netherlands,…). Smart move on Google’s part!

  7. Google employees are down with helping China but have a problem helping US military. Google also helps China censor and keep track of it's own citizens. They are pro communism and anti-freedom. I will give no money to a company that suppresses freedom and hates America.

  8. Don't forget this is the same company that's repeatedly been fined for having no respect for consumer privacy/data which somehow didn't warrant a mention. Or the fact that it's the same company associated with censorship on this very platform, so having them involved in games distro is a terrible idea.

  9. Google stadia has some value; however, I believe Microsoft project xCloud will knock it off the park. Hardcore gaming console at home to play; however, be able to cloud gaming on our phones through our own data and touch input customized from the developers.

    Google stadia seems like a deal for those who don't use touch Input, has a pixel, always carrying a controller, and has super fast wifi connection.

    I'ma wait till Microsoft reveal their cloud gaming

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