The 'Virtuix Omni' Actually Lets You Run Around Video Games

The 'Virtuix Omni' Actually Lets You Run Around Video Games

The Virtuix Omni is a virtual reality gaming platform that lets you walk, run, and move around like you’re actually in the game. It’s hands down the most immersive …


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About the Author: Business Insider


  1. For We all have sinned and turned away from God, we can't connect to God anymore. But God so Loved the world that He gave His only Son for us that through Him we may be Healed and have eternal life and He was Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God and God Himself who gave up His life for us as a Holy Sacrifice on the Hill of Calvary, all for us, He was beaten and pierced and Through his stripes we are healed, Because of Him the broken relationship between God and man (because of sin) has now been restored, all our sins which were too much to be forgiven on basis of deeds now is forgivable all because of Him, Therefore Brethren now REJOICE FOR THE PRICE HAS BEEN PAID!! NOW ALL WE'VE TO DO IS TO REPENT AND TURN TO GOD THAT THIS SACRIFICE MAY BE APPLIED ON US AND THAT THROUGH HIM WE MAY ATTAIN SALVATION AND ETERNAL LIFE AND A RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE OUR GOD!!
    (obviously every decision is upon you, as you wish, may it happen, all i can is pray for you, that He may soften your heart and reveal all knowledge of the Gospel at the right time)

  2. This video exposes one of the most fundamental barriers to achieving truly immersive VR gaming. It's not the graphics, it's not the disorientation or nausea… it's simply the physical effort involved.
    In a conventional FPS, you can rappel out of a heli onto a steep ledge, jump out the window and bolt across a battlefield terrain like a pro athlete dodging bullets and air strikes, while aiming for headshots left, right and center with a couple flicks of your thumbs on the controller.
    But to simulate that experience in an immersive simulation would mean you'll have to physically perform your stunts, at least to some degree of feedback. Forget about the universal-soldier style FPS action we're currently accustomed to.. you wouldn't even be able to pull off a 5 minute long combo of such competitive gaming without having to pause from exhaustion. Unless of course you train for it like an actual physical sport.. and suddenly it becomes a much less popular pastime than video gaming.

    Hoping they come up with an idea to solve this specific hurdle, cause honestly I'm a huge fan of the tech, personally.

  3. It needs a lot of improvement, maybe they could use metal marbles with tracking dots on them for the floor using a tracking laser to track the marbles movement, like in a "mouse" it would require sockets for the marbles to have as less friction as possible while being durable…or it could use mag-lev tech to act as a movement triggers for the opposing megnetic force so a sensor can track movement flawlessly using movement or pressure sensors while holding you in the air with some sort of elastic garment…

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