Perkz offseason rumors – will he stay with G2? | ESPN Esports

Perkz offseason rumors - will he stay with G2? | ESPN Esports

Emily Rand and Tyler Erzberger discuss circulating rumors about Perkz’s plans for free agency. Could he move to another LEC …


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  1. ā€œItā€™s funā€ he says… but when itā€™s about G2 itā€™s not ;w; thereā€™s teams where I like individual players and the overall team, but with G2 I love all the players and together as a team ( ą²„ Ź–ĢÆ ą²„)

  2. With Jankos they will never win Worlds he is not internationally one of the best jg's I know that meta iwas not on his side but simply other jg from LPL and LCK are one step above him and thats the difference.

  3. Caps is too nice actually, he would leave G2..not Perkz. He voluntarily switched to adc because Perkz wasn't happy. Caps is a great teammate.

  4. This is so difficult for G2, do you let EU's best player (Caps) leave from your team? Or do you let go of a legend, the guy who made the org what it is today, and one of the EU's greatest players of all time (Perkz)?

  5. Itā€™s so hard for me to see Perkz elsewhere, much like Bjerg. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d WANT to see something else. However, it would be interesting to see.

  6. Perkz is the kind of person who does not say: "Caps you must leave I want back on mid lane.". He is a cool guy. That's why Caps play on AD for half of the split. He thought Perkz don't like AD more but didn't want to say it. Perkz and Caps are great players but in my opinion, G2 is Perkz!
    Perkz is a more valuable player. He is the face of G2 but I see more arguments that why he should stay and back on mid lane:

    Perkz is a more vocal player (Jankos mentioned it)
    He is better 2vs2 with Jankos than Caps
    Bigger champion pool (He played tanks, supports ad & ap).
    In 2018 he was better mid than Caps (They said it)
    He has big brain ideas like a funnel, played weird stuff with Jankos, "ult Alistar behind" etc
    He is a true captain
    He can sacrifice for the team
    with Rekkles, G2 can be like 2018 IG so trade Caps for him

  7. Perkz a world class adc ? What a joke the xayah kaisa one trick ( he was playing these champs in funnel meta that's why he's good with them ) but the rest of adc's he's just garbage on them maybe the worst adc in eu now

  8. Iā€™m not a fan of FNC, but I still wouldnā€™t mind seeing perkz on it just from an entertainment standpoint, I think the G2 vs FNC games will be so much fun to watch and both teams will have a great shot at worlds. Will be a good time either way

  9. No respect to this Tyler! It's ok to have fun and speculate, but there is way better way of doing it then this guys does it. He first makes it sound like something IS happening, then in the end it turns out it's really just him having fun with empty rumors and it's he who wants it to be true just for his wish to see a Caps vs Perkz. It's low how it's presented, and I wish I could block this guy but not Emily who is actually serious.

  10. I love Perkz but saying he is a Top 5 Mid in the World is a Stretch. If I had to make a list Perkz would probably be at the bottom of a Top 10 list. Which is no disrespect he still is great! He just isn't on the level of Chovy, Showmaker, Rookie, Knight, Faker, and maybe I could argue for Bdd even Doinb but top 5 he just wouldn't sniff it for me rn. Like Emily says unless a Chinese team is knocking he probably is staying put.

  11. If G2 stays with this roster. I would like to see them be more aggressive and proactive in the early game. For the past 2 years G2 has been beat early game. Last year FPX slam them in the first 15 minutes. This year Canyon had so much pressure with beryl roaming. One positive thing is Caps roam had been a lot better.

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