First Time Trying a Gel Blaster – How Powerful Are These Things?

Get the Gel Blaster StarFire at Wal-Mart: Thanks to Gel Blaster for partnering on this video #GelBlaster …


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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. For the people who are avid in these, they appeared off of airsoft restrictions, and there are some really cool realistic ones out there. From what I’ve seen they basically all shoot at the same speed when full auto, so it just depends how powerful at the speed. The best ones are the bottom load mechanism type because the top load ones can jam since they’re only relying on gravity. The barrel extension or inclusion on some that makes them glow like tracer rounds is awesome and so is the flash extension. This brand isn’t the best but they seem to be the industry standard rn. I like that what we all knew as orbeez is now an airsoft ammo.

  2. Lol everyone in my family has one, my son has 2 and I got him the AR style one for Christmas. Even my parents have them. Lol we are HEAVILY armed with these 🤣

  3. It’s air soft but eco friendly. Which is good because i still live in my childhood home and still find random airsoft bb’s when I’m mowing or doing yard work

  4. basically anything that can get close to paintball guns…or bb guns. which is the ultimate goal. nerf to elite to gel….its the same…they wany u to get into those adult toys. and chances are if u got a paintball gun or bb gun ur gonna ultimately get a real gun.

  5. I got this for my son (and me) for Christmas but I bought it a couple of months ago without doing much research. It looks like I made a good choice and can’t wait to have backyard battles with my kid. 🔫💦🎯

  6. Random reminder since apple doesnt advertise it anymore. Lew reminded me I used it yesterday to measure my moms cabinet to help her fit her tv. If you have an iPhone 8 or newer. Swipe down on the home screen and type in “measure”, its an AR ruler(baked into iOs)and its 99.999% accurate. I say 99.99% because its accurate only if you sure you picked the right starting spot, aka , the bottom for instance of the wall and not the dot choosing the side of the wall.
    (Just random thought when he said “how far are we ?20 feet?)

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