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About the Author: Marques Brownlee


  1. it is impressive for a handheld phone that fits in a pocket, but in any other case a $10 webcam and a $20 telescope would take better photos

  2. I am owner of iPhone 14 pro and I am loyal customer since 2017 but I am sick of Apple. Last year model is crap. Camera is just terrible compared to previous models. Apple is taking the piss from their loyal customers.

  3. if you literally AF on the moon and drop brightness it looks exactly like this? LOL Iโ€™m no apple fanboy but this was a bit pointless

  4. I think this is fake. Plenty of companies have tried doing this trick where it recognizes the moon and lines up a perfect cut out of a moon image over the white blob.

  5. The bastardized state of photography is sickening. Phones donโ€™t even take images, their a.I driven digital interpretations. SLR cameras > anything digital

  6. Still it seems to me that the movement of the moon itself is a litte to less if you think of the zoom level here .. should be more shaky. So there might be a detection of the object to follow it (or more or less move the visible part of the sensor image around) .. I am a little critical to such things.

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