Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened Review

Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened Review

Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened reviewed by Tristan Ogilvie on PC. Also available on PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch.


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About the Author: IGN


  1. This reviewer always emphasises the last word of every sentence. It's really annoying, and sounds like he is reading a poem instead of actually telling us about the game

  2. It was on my wishlist on steam how disappointing Guess we will have to wait for new game hope there will be more lovecraftian games

  3. No offence if the company was going into War they should put the game on hold so that means we could have actually had a decent experience instead we have a underbaked garbage pile because they thought that they had to rush it out or they should have given it to an actual British company cos Sherlock Holmes is a British made property

  4. If IGN was honest, they would begin the video by mentioning that the game was developed in Ukraine in the middle of a war instead of wating until the end of the video and referring to it as "somewhat extreme circumstances".

  5. meh looks like something that if came out around xbox one era it would prob be ok. In 2023 it looks rather dull as a whole, graphics look serviceable but the emoting and dialogue storytelling is what will keep people from snoozing, and it looks stiff and robotic.

  6. Frogwares Sherlock games have always been quite niche in their appeal but they work for me. Given they’re making a game in the middle of a war zone it’s impressive they got it out at all.

  7. Despite being mediocre, it's still a massive accomplishment for the Dev who makes a game during a bloody war. Ukranian Dev Frogware is still standing.

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