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About the Author: IGN


  1. It is like they rewritten The Lord of the Rings. Letting Gandalf be killed by the balrog, to come back as a ringwraith. ( 9 is the wrong number we ought to have 10 and he had a ring, didn't he) Let Saruman kill the hobbits ( who need hobbits anyway) then te ring goes to Arwen ( why?) And Aragorn is jealous. so Arwen and Eowyn get to destroy the ring. Or someting like that……

  2. The way they are going with this, Geralt won't be much in the show anymore anyway. So, might as well completely replace him. It'd be more of a shame to keep Cavill in the show just playing third fiddle to Ciri and Yennefer.

  3. This show has been destroyed to the point that it will need to be remade by another network….. hopefully this time with producers who care for the books, don't have agendas and hire competent writers and directors

  4. This show wasn’t faithful to the books. They made many deviations. Partly due to a lack of respect for the source material and to push social justice agendas. This series needs to be cancelled and replaced with a more faithful adaptation.

  5. The Switcher since it's not the witcher everything is nothing like Sapkowki wrote the characters are in name only as far as I'm concerned this was the The Switchers Grand Finale which was not grand in any way this show is done

  6. They should rename it The Whispering Mumbler. Everyone’s dialogue is always breathily whispered whether or not they are trying to be secretive. Always softy spoken with stiff lips and no facial expressions. Once you realize it it becomes hard to ignore and then gets pretty irritating. To me, at least.

  7. Just finished ep.7… what a joke! Such a cop out. A whole episode on Ciri in a desert when you have SO many plot points to forward on. Everyone who know Witcher knows Ciri’s personal story is the most tedious, it’s the way all the other characters interact with her destiny from through Geralts story. It’s not hard Netflix… but how many million have you wasted tarnishing both Sapkowski’s legacy and Cavills career???

  8. This shows that for art to happen it has to be a truly collaborative relationship. Producers have to respect the main actors opinion on these things too especially as they have experience of the character its self. When creators just say no and replace you, it means they have no respect at all. Sad. Imagine if GoT creators just replaced Jon Snow or Daenarys mid way through. Its crazy. Hate this decision.

  9. I’m so disappointed! The whole 3rd made no sense at all. The don’t seem to know what story to tell.just end the series here please. It hurts to see such wasted opportunity!

  10. If only HBO had this property/IP they would do wonders. It would have the production budget and script quality that The Witcher deserves!

  11. The irony is that they don't even do "frowny people talking in rooms" well. The dilaogue and characterisation on display here is amateurish. The directors and scriptwriters here just aren't at a professional level.
    And frankly the animated "actors" and voice actors in the video game do a better job than many of the real life actors on display in Netflix's show.

  12. It definitely wouldn't have saved the season as a whole but it would have been pretty sick if that final fight scene where geralt and the bard are fighting the soldiers ended with " wait wait , what are you doing" , " Killing Monsters".

  13. Literally every pure Henry Cavill ( and maybe with Joey Batey) scene in volume 2 was awesome. Minus the ones with the insanely annoying new asian forest woman who's apparently taking care of Geralt. She was insufferable to say the least.

  14. Began fast forwarding the last 2 episodes. Cavill was 100% right to jump ship: the creators have somehow made it tedious to watch and the plot rather nonsensical.

  15. What we have watched is the reanimated corpse of a show that once had so much potential.
    And now it is just some fell beast Geralt(Henry Cavill) will slaughter once and for all, not by fighting it, but by WALKING AWAY.

  16. Lol what’s the point? They’re not staying true to the books and Cavill is officially gone. Basically like forcing yourself to watch the flash or aquaman movies when Gunn says they’re not a part of his universe now 😂

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