Everything Changing on the iPhone 15

There’s a lot to get into this week. Marques, Andrew, and David start us off by talking about a proposal for V4 superchargers that …


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About the Author: WVFRM Podcast


  1. I'm not sure how I feel about the programmable button on the iPhone 15 Pro. It could be really useful, but it could also be a gimmick. I'll have to wait and see how it works in real life.šŸ¤”

  2. That's very scary what's next you going to have another button that let you see in the dark wow and it's also orange that is impossible

  3. Wow this is just a revolutionary how did they even do that I cannot believe it you actually have a button you can program wow It is amazing everything is changing and it's orange That's unbelievable

  4. So, in regards to filling the charge-up on an EV, would surging be an issue to be solved, comparing it to gas powered vehicles zero to full in eight minutes?šŸ¤” oh, and excellent video guys, thanks

  5. For those of us who are not affluent Youtubers, does it make sense to pay that much extra for a feature you only use 10% of the time?

  6. Best episode so far specifically because of the trivia. Also, I love apple productsā€¦ but wow, the iPhone 15 pro is turning out to be a useless upgrade as Iā€™ve ever seen?

  7. Google was originally working on LaMDA to make a better Google Assistant that could act like a true virtual assistant like JARVIS. Open AIā€™s Chat GPT actually caught Google off guard because they didnā€™t see the use case for a text based AI but they were able to adapt LaMDA for Google Bard (which now uses PaLM).

  8. There should just be swappable charge cells available with universal slots across manufacturers. It would be faster than gas charging and alleviate the charging network issue

  9. How about iPhone 15 Pro is USB-C/Thunderbolt and iPhone 15 (regular) has no charging port at all, or the 15 (regular) is still Lightning for one more year and the 16 (regular) goes portless with the 16 Pro keeping USB-C / Thunderbolt, so in effect the port becomes a Pro feature.

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