Starfield Review "Buy, Wait, Never Touch?"

Starfield Review "Buy, Wait, Never Touch?"

Starfield Review “Buy, Wait, Never Touch?” Starfield is coming out soon from Bethesda. Thanks to them for the very early review …


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About the Author: ACG


  1. Thanks to Beth for the code. Even though I said Redfall was the worst game of 2023 lol
    Beth had a lot of story restrictions and coverage stuff so I had to jump around a bit. One or two cuts might be abrupt as I felt something too spoilery was in the video
    A liked it a lot I wish it was more seamless and there are a couple issues! But overall, it was a blast and I am still playing it which is rare for me and joined Baldurs Gate 3 as a title that I have still been in well after being done.

  2. See I don't get how people say this opening is slow. Skyrim you have to sit through the intro cutscene, the whole beheading sequence before you can even move let alone when you're given free reign to go do stuff. Fallout is even worse with you literally starting out as a freaking baby lol. I have my issues with the game but the opening is not one of them.

  3. Thank You so very much for such a honest and great review. No BS or fan blindness. Straight to the point with enough detail of the subject at the same time. I'm watching your video reviews for now on haha

  4. Ok, you are yet another case of "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villainâ€Ļ"
    You received a juicy check for this review, you have about the most positive review out there, even more positive than IGN FFS. Your take doesn't align with about anybody, including regular players around me, random streamers, big streamers, forums.. Only you seem to find it this good.

  5. one quest you'll need lockpick master but you won't find out till the end of it- dead end
    you have to now level up lockpick thru the buggy tree-
    I was hoping for a Skyrim in space what we got was a load screen to jump everywhere, hell you don't even need a spacecraft-
    like some have said it just don't feel like a immersed in rather a bunch of loading screens followed by other loading screens

  6. No landing manually, empty lifeless planets or if there is life on the planet there are free-four types of animals. Starfield is a big disappointment unless you like to watch loading screens after every decision or action. Are you payed by Bethesda to show off with this BS?

  7. Yes, my Rx 6600 Hellhound gpu does well!

    5600cpu clocked to 4.75 hz

    32 gig of ram 3600hz clocked to 3866hz

    850 watt power supply

    X570 msi carbon motherboard

    Ssd m.2 nvme x 3

    50.3 fps average

  8. Are we playing with the same combat? Enemies feel bullet spongy as hell. Feels like my weapons have no impact. And space might as well not exist with you not actually going anywhere. You can't even move withing the same system. It's all loading screens.

  9. This review vs Worth A Buy's review ("This game is a disaster!"). Is the background and perk system really that bad? It sounds very grindy, like what he has to say about locking-picking and some of the other things that you literally cannot do before perking up, such as Stealth??? Even Oblivion and Skyrim let you crouch into a stealth mode without any skills development.

  10. It's really curious how some reviews are very angry and annoyed about the game while others are clearly rose-tinted. I haven't played the game yet so all I have to go on is these reviews. Todd Howard made such a point of saying "you see that mountain over there? you can walk up it!" and now we hear there are boundaries to the map, so you can't 100% free-roam. But then ACG indicated in this review that if you take off and land somewhere else ("a bit further up") then that lets you walk further. So, it's radius based? I'm just trying to figure out if this game is another cyberpunk – i.e. lies; deliberate misrepresentation and false advertising excused as "hype" – or if it's actually better than that. Some of the graphics look great (this ACG review) whereas some look exactly like Fallout4 on PS4. I just can't quite get my head around the truth of this game, which is disappointing. Definitely not buying it yet until I can be more sure of things.

  11. Grats to all who enjoy it. Just isn't for me. Reminds me too much of Fallout 4, which I really did not like. Great review as always.

  12. at the start of the game i was not impress it was maybe a 7.8/10, buuuuut after 12 hours i totally changed my mind and give it a 9/10, its a beautiful games with so many things to do and funny moments

  13. This game is getting way too big of a pass for all of its flaws. Realistically a 6/10, 7/10 if you put the fan boy goggles on. I wanted this to be good but there just doesnt seem to be much meat on the bones.

  14. You're one of the few worthwhile game journos/reviewers left, the fact that you open up with honest take like "It's buggy af." is nice even if it's part jokey.
    I just came from a video that opened up with "It's an exceptional" game like it's not a space skyrim or another outer worlds.

  15. This looks so low effort, I am genuinely surprised.. even after Fallout 76, they STILL managed to lower the bar!

    Ill definitely be passing on this game

  16. Let's insert as much stuff as our outdated ancient engine can handle and give them the illusion of freedom alongside an epic soundtrack, yeah that will draw players into our bullshit… again.
    Ok but what about the story?
    Eh… we'll write another generic plot but will force pronouns and female clones of men cause we love that ESG score.

  17. PSA: Extremely poor optimization and performance. Nearly unplayable. Firsthand experience with the game.

    Buggy, sound frequently desyncs, music cuts out frequently, frequent freezes.

    This computer has no issue running other games with RTX, but can't handle Starfield with lowered settings? Unlikely.

  18. why does every character in this game have the most punchable face ive ever seen in my life
    this game looks absolutely hideous. i cant figure out why you keep praising it while simultaneously showing me something incredibly ugly.

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