Max Keiser Doubles Down on Bitcoin Price Forecast of $220,000 by Year-End; No Fear, No Doubt

Max Keiser Doubles Down on Bitcoin Price Forecast of $220,000 by Year-End; No Fear, No Doubt

In this much anticipated interview, Max Keiser of the Keiser Report – and one of the most recognized names in the crypto space – speaks with our Daniela …


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About the Author: Stansberry Research


  1. Love that question! โ€œAre you still buying?โ€ Then he blabs on haha talk it up to $1mil per bitcoin then maybe sell then

  2. I think kieser should buy the board game called monopoly. When one player has all the hotels and money, the game is over. Too few people own too much BITCOIN when the last person buys their BITCOIN, game over. BITCOIN is a clunker coin by itself. Who really needs it?

  3. Is it true that Max is from outer space? It could explain his gift of foresight. BC to 220000$ in november, yeah, well why not 22000000000000000000$?

  4. I find myself continually thinking that a man as intelligent has Max Keiser is incapable of such myopic stupidity… but once again…oye yoi yoi. The assertion that there are no other projects that have any used case or function and that proof-of-work Bitcoin is just clearly the winner is an apex of ignorant denial. I…just… oh forget it. Maxis are HILARIOUS

  5. Only issue is Max forgets Monero exists. It's doing everything bitcoin promised but better. 1 cpu one vote is not true anymore in the bitcoin world. It is in the monero world. That you need China to quit to get back some decentralisation is pointing out the issue. His point about price not mattering is perfect to show this. The hashrates of monero are climbing more steadily and evenly than the bitcoin hashrate. The monero system is more stable and less prone to the very manipulation we are fighting to remove from the world.

  6. One thing i dont understand, these altcoin maximalist calls dollar fiat money but always tie its value to usd ?? No disrespect to him, but the way he was describing the event, sounds like any mlm annual meetup event.

  7. I like Max, but he is wrong about Europe in every way…. Iran and India is not in Europe. Also all countries in Europe are independent, even if many of them use the same currency. Read som more Max <3

  8. Max extends the truth so much it becomes a lie.
    70% of what he says is factually incorrect.
    Please don't absorb his rubbish.
    I could list everything Max said and correct it instantly. Just look up everything and you'll find the real facts not the crap he comes out with.
    Funny thing is it takes a couple of minutes to find the real truth online.

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