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About the Author: penguinz0


  1. 11:22 that was actually kind of sick NGL lol. Then he proceeded to be stuck in his shield and have a seizure and turn into a pro rolling Dark soul's charecter 💀

  2. I absolutely love this game. It makes me happy to see you doods also having fun with it. I've messed around with mods on my channel and I'd highly recommend the outer rim mod, and the fantasy mod. Not sure exactly what it was called, its somewhere near the top though and adds in goblins, demons, giants, etc.

  3. It's a cool game but would be so, so much better with much more blood and gore, seems like a bit of a cop out from the devs to not have that in the game, it's probably just to reduce the rating so kids are allowed to play it.

  4. This isn't even close to the games potential. The game has a big modding community and there are tons of great mods daily! I would like to see you try some out. I literally forgot that the game doesn't have time stop and mystic hands cause I've used them so much and had a blast with them

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