IGN Fires Editor After Plagiarizing Boomstick Gaming Dead Cells Review

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  1. +
    I remember doing this in 3rd grade. It's called re-editing a book review with my own words. This game journalism happens when there's no more intern to do your work for you. Adam Sessler, mattpat kinda are nobodies without their INTERNs.

  2. I went and watched boo stick and I didn't see it . I watched 3 vids on this and there's only one video showing the similarities which I didn't think was repeating words . This is bs . I m done with it . I stated my conclusions on multiple posts . Minor variations in wording ? It's not as clear cut as the YouTube news is making it out to be .
    Just another bs story to get views , play the game , I know how it works . You guys would get chewed up and spit out in my world

  3. What a opportunity wasted for a dude I watch a couple of times on spawn wave channel then gets a job at IGN. just think of someone who was deserving a job there he took that then fooked it royaley what a donkey

  4. Ign made a mistake in hiring him in the first place. They are to blame TOO in some degree. So yea, I e disagree in praising them for merely doing what everyone expected in the least

  5. looks like there's more updates to this story. Mr Mucus posted an Tmartin style "apology" video which has since been removed. Other IGN editors have called him out on twitter for his BS. As it turns out, there are at least 2 other cases of him plagiarizing other reviews.

  6. Sid, with a full time job and a near full time channel, how did you find the time to ninja over to Marvel and sneak a look at their heavily guarded planbook so you could oh-so-soothingly inform us of the looming presence of their newest supervillain, Mr. Mucous? Is there anything you WON'T do for your adoring fans? (Cue Meatloaf song here. Yes, THAT one)

  7. Bro most the time insecure egoist pigs like Dreamcast guy make accusations but hv lame proof but this time it's verbatim and if he didn't do it only God knows may all those celebrate this be cursed unto death in such a way we all gasp. But if he really did steal it then let Philip never find any work in gaming again. Both ways let truth vibrate.

  8. I do have a question and I'm sorry it's off topic but: what are you're thoughts on Activision possibly placing only one game on the Spyro Reignited Trilogy while making everyone who buys it download the remaining two games?

  9. You sound so spiteful. Like the guy did it with malicious intent. I’m not condoning what the guy did but people fuck up sometimes. He has already lost his job and integrity. Should he have to pay for this for the rest of his life? Maybe some jail time?

  10. Had to stop for a sec at 1:30 You talk about how he looks and called him "mucus" which is uncalled for, its just petty at that point. I wanted to listen to a structured talk about ethics and journalism and how this young man happened to really screw up…

  11. I'm subbed to Boomstick, have been a long time, actually. When I saw that video go up, I was appalled by what I saw, and I actually expected IGN to impose it's behemoth-like presence and deny claims of plagiarism. Gotta admit, IGN, interesting to see them own up to something and take actual actions.

  12. I will give credit where credit is due.

    IGN handled it rather well. They took immediate action, but also took a reasonable amount of time to investigate for themselves. They fired the individual then apologized giving proper credit to Broomstick Gaming.

    This does improve their reputation in my mind.

  13. I love how the pinned comment is like a commentary on how a negative actor gets something miniscule more attention than it should have similar to the topic of this video.

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