3 Years Later, Next-Gen Is Finally About to Begin – Next-Gen Console Watch

3 Years Later, Next-Gen Is Finally About to Begin - Next-Gen Console Watch

Welcome back to Next-Gen Console Watch, our show following all the news and rumors on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series.


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About the Author: IGN


  1. The equivalent of 2015 for this generation would have been 2022, not this year. It'd be like if XB1/PS4 were still cross gen all through 2015 and only in 2016 did we start getting more true next gen titles. Except that on XB1/PS4, both consoles still had plenty of 1st party next gen exclusives even from launch. This has been an unprecedented and terrible generational start for actual next gen experiences. If it weren't for backwards compatibility, it would have been a complete disaster.

  2. Did Max and Damon really just ask if they would make Series X only games? A mid gen refresh? You guys are really out of touch.

  3. I'm not aware of any Xbox Series games which makes use of its RDNA2 architecture. Is there any point to a "mid gen refresh" when the existing hardware isn't being utilized? With the previous generation, it was to utilize the recent introduction of 4k TVs, as well as address the underpowered Xbox One.
    Also, although I'm not the most suited to discuss game software development, the Series S is geared more towards those who have a TV below 4k. A game rendered at 720p, upscaled via 2FSAA (or whatever the term is), can be further downgraded by displaying the game elements using fewer polygons. That should considerably reduce the amount of CPU cycles and memory needed, while displaying imagery that's not too far off from the Series X. We are still years away from seeing the most impressive games that the current hardware is capable of.

  4. yeah developers should stop scuffing their games to make it work for the base xbox one and ps4 and if you don't own a ps5 and series x then you're not a gamer, you're a fraud. πŸ–•

  5. Is it just me or does Ryan look like he's constantly waiting in indignation for a chance to prove how Xbox is superior to PlayStation

  6. PS5 and Xbox Series X/S officially became current gen in November of 2020. Anyone who has called it next gen since then has been wrong. This is not opinion, nor is it negotiable. This discussion is over. You're welcome.

  7. Completely disagree with the idea that a console refresh is "inevitable." Game develop takes SO long these days that doing a mid Gen refresh might delay games even more to utilize the new hardware. Doesn't make sense. Keep the hardware the same and develop games for PS6 if you need more power.

  8. Great show. Spot on about the Series S. They're not going to stop putting games on the Series S but the games will be of a lower quality or just hamstring the Series X version of games.

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