We Ranked Every FromSoftware SoulsBorne DLC

We Ranked Every FromSoftware SoulsBorne DLC

With the new Elden Ring DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree, announced, we took it upon ourselves to rank every FromSoftware DLC …


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About the Author: IGN


  1. Shadow of erdtree will be my new fav dlc most likely so for 2nd it’s ringed city then old hunters or maybe tied then it’s abyss dlc in ds1, ariandel’s ashes, then ivory king&iron> sunken for me

  2. Why tf is it called Soulsborne? There is one Bloodborne game. There is also a Sekiro game an an Elden Ring game. Surely it should just be Soulslike, otherwise might as well call is Soulsbornekiroring

  3. Never got around to DS2's DLC, but I've loved every other Fromsoftware/ Soulsborne DLC. They all stand out in their own way, and usually feel more exciting than the main game. Cant wait to see what Shadow of the Erdtree brings to the table for Elden Ring.

  4. "Personally",Artorias of the Abyss was the best DLC for me,the lore behind was just amazing and the boss fights were just spectacular

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