IGN Reviews – Gears of War 3: Game Review

IGN gives its video review of the new Xbox game Gears of War 3. Epic Games’ finale to the Gears trilogy delivers the definitive expression of the series. IGN’s YouTube is just a taste of…


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About the Author: IGN


  1. Went back and started collecting the older games on 360. This is one game I never bought back then and I just bought this and rise of the tomb raider. The price of gears 3 was Β£1.80 and tomb raider was Β£9.00, I must say they both look very similar obviously not quite as good but almost, in fact there's comparison videos on YouTube, definitely for tomb raider. The graphics and gameplay are amazing for such an old console. I actually prefer my 360 it's the best console I have, I have an Xbox one, Xbox,PS2,PS3, was gonna get a 4 but since the 360 I think personally Microsoft started doing it better than Sony.

  2. New to Xbox and LOVE the Gears series. All on Game Pass so I said what the heck, try it out.. Am on Gears 2 now, frickin awesome! Should have picked this up on PC years ago……

  3. In my opinion, I like this Gears of War 3 better than 4 and I think it's better than it overall. But Gears of War 4 has the best graphics in the entire series.

  4. I got all the gears games and I've been playing them in order. I got them with gears 4 and I'm really excited to play it. I need to get through Judgement.

  5. i used to play gears of war 1 and 2 split screen with my brother ALL the time like 5 years ago. i can't believe ive never played gears 3 and i am playing it right now on my xb1

  6. I unfortunately got a used copy that apparently has a glitched story mode. so act 4 when u r going for the submarine parts it either goes to a black screen… which you can still move around in and see nothing but the HUD or the elevator switch you press brings no elevator. this makes me sad.

  7. I know I may sound stuck up, but as a PC gamer it's SOOO painful going back to these games. The sub 30 fps is killing me. It really stands out when you only play at 60 fps. I could care less about graphics and resolution on games that are older but the frame rate, ughhh. Still great series though.

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