Siri vs Cortana vs Google Now

Siri vs Cortana vs Google Now

We compare Cortana, Windows Phone’s new personal assistant, with Siri and Google Now. Find out which voice-recognition …


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About the Author: TechRadar


  1. Lol. Do you love me?

    Do you want to be my friend????
    hahahahahahahaha: Check, yes,;' or no?

    I'm quite literally dying from laughter right now it's all because of that one stupid country song. I can't recall its name though,. – ha

  2. Please add Viv and Luna.
    I hope AI can be more personalized, by adding aour own Information/ ebooks/ PDFs to the AI. and then AI can answer our question based on the documents content

  3. Guys they're A.I. Bots! None of them kicked ass. Secondly Cortana exists on all three platforms as an app. Therefore have you ever thought of maybe using Siri when Cortana messes up and vise Versa?

  4. Just saing, google added the calories feature in Google Assistant, just tried to say exacly what u saied in 2:37 and the result was 285 in a 14 inch pizza on the first try.. so now google now can do all of them xD sorry about my bad English

  5. the only thing cortana can't do is skip ads while I'm watching YouTube on my Xbox
    I say select it highlights skip ad but when I say it it does nothing then cortana just goes away it is very annoying

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