Mobile Phone Fingerprint Spoof Attacks

Mobile Phone Fingerprint Spoof Attacks

Kai Cao and Anil Jain have used spoofing to unlock mobile phones with only ink and paper.


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About the Author: Michigan State University


  1. мне помогла команда Алексея со взломом телефона мужа

    предоставили полный доступ к вайберу и ватсапп

    А так же к почте наверное могут и многое другое

    кому необходимо оставлю их данные и еще раз большое им спасибо )


    номер 89602337537

    спасибо им большое ,

  2. So basically, if you're going to use your finger print to unlock your phone, don't leave your finger print ON the phone.

    Isn't this a bit like: "if you're going to use a number to unlock your phone, don't write the number on the back of the phone" ?

  3. Have you not got anything else to do other than publishing ways to hack phones on the Internet for all to see!! No wonder our phones get hacked when your publishing videos showing how to do it?.

  4. This experiment does not have any benefit, because when your mobile is stolen, the first thing done conc > button so I will pick up another finger put on screen, it is a way not to have any benefit, and are merely interpretations, thank you.

  5. Sure it works, but how will you do this without knowing which finger is used? Pretty much fear mongering as it wont affect most people. Unless specific people are targeted this isnt really an issue and then you might as well cut off their finger or threaten them to unlock it 😛 If you store much personal info on your phone with only a fingerprint its your own fault, data should be encrypted as well or at least have another layer of security .

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