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About the Author: IGN


  1. The Campaign is significantly better than the barebones multiplayer. The only step forward was War mode, and even that is quite repetitive. Zombies is meh, I never play the Zombies anyway.

  2. The game starts WW2 starts 1939. Then suddenly its 1944 and D-Day. It would be nice to have a WW2 game that actually dealt with all of the war just not the bits where the Americans turned up.

  3. I'd lost faith in cod I'd literally given up but imo I really like it, the zombies mode is awesome and multiplayer is solid I think. I

  4. my grandfather helped clean up concentration camps and often spoke about the lack of gender diversity and racial diversity among the dead on long cold nights in Indiana while slowly getting drunk on crown royal. Those nazi's listed only 2 genders those sexist pigs!

  5. "white american males" the leftist force is strong with this one. How about leave your personal politics out of a WW2 game OH and WW2 was fought by mostly "white american males"  not to discredit italian "men" and black "men" or should i just call them "personkind?" either way WW2 was fought by men who happened to mostly be white. deal with it.

  6. This game is located in Europe so of course 99% of the characters are white. Can you imagine this taking place in Africa and 50% were white?

  7. I think WWII is too lazy, I only see the team doing nothing, there just standing there and shooting at random spots, and STILL…

    0/10 there only two genders, and the voice of this video need to be fire, I see 2K talking about it

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