Big movement at the top and bottom highlight this week’s Overwatch League Power Rankings, and Tyler Erzberger joins Victoria Arlen to break it all down. ✓ Subscribe to ESPN on YouTube:…
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Why isn’t the corespondent looking at the camera?
The problem with putting this on ESPN is that the intended audience isn't the same as ESPN's base audience. There's many esports fans subbed to ESPN but the majority of ESPN subs aren't esports fans, so obviously the people who don't care about esports are going to bitch and moan and belittle the whole thing
Wow E-Sports must be physically grueling.
How they talkin bout injury and overwatch in the same sentence?! ???? gtfoh with that sports bullshit
Already more videos of this than our hockey teams! But seriously I liked that they had a little segment for this, fun to watch, that's it.
damn blizzard paid good money for this to be on ESPN ..too bad its still boring
I can't wait till Club Penguin becomes a sport as well.
How did the new york xl guy get an arm injury lol
I am a gamer but this is dumb shit, playing video games is not a sport. Keep this shit off ESPN!
Show the host some more fuck the game and 4 eyes she's a hottie
Damn are NFL and NBA ratings really that bad nowadays?
This ain’t nfl power rankings wtf no one CARES
The fuck is this lmao
To those asking why this is on ESPN. Welcome to the future! Why you people are crying over this shows just how disconnected you are. ESPORTS is fast approaching a Trillions dollar industry. OFC people want in on that money. This IS the future…like it or not.
This is pathetic…and lame…
This is fucking lame, who is this fucking autist with that nasally voice? Fuck you for this ESPN
What the fuck is this?
Green wall!
Now THIS is podracing!
i am a gamer but this aint sport
Im a gamer i guess i play everyday but i dont want to see this shit in my subcriptions make a seperate channel.
I’ll beat them on a 1v1 on Rust snipers only….
this whole video game thing growing is cool but at the same time is bad sad and dumb. people are becoming so isolated from life. I used to play all day as middle schooler but this aint everything
Watch my man Oh_Gie in his channel. Pretty good fortnite player lol.
What? There's power rankings for Overwatch?
I stop watching when they placed seoul 4th and xl 3rd. SMH