ESPN places focus on the burgeoning eSports industry, and creates an entire division dedicated to the sport. For more video game coverage, head to http://www.gamespot.com/ Subscribe to us…
ESPN places focus on the burgeoning eSports industry, and creates an entire division dedicated to the sport. For more video game coverage, head to http://www.gamespot.com/ Subscribe to us…
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Same quality of content and journalism? coughcoughdeflategatebullshitcoughcough
Lmao they tweeted two years ago that they would never do this.
I will expect cringe
Esport is the greatest sport.
I just need to see what kind of content they are creating around esports. Is this for already fans of esports or people who don't know anything about it.
remember G4?
man they hit hard times right before this whole gaming on YT and twitch thing took off..
not saying a TV channel should have just let's plays or whatever, but stuff like this would work. rather than COPS marathons
This is disgusting. Just to get ratings espn will do everything. These are games not a sport. Why would people fight and insult and everyone that does not recognize it as such? Why force everyone that this is a kind of sport. It's a competition–it is that much but not a sport. I feel bad for athletes like, gymnasts, martial artists and others who discipline not only their body but their minds into deep training only to be associated with people who stares at a screen for 8 hours yelling and cursing.
there's nothing wrong with some people wanting to play halo like this but it is not a sport. in not saying that in a negative way. I like halo but I really don't like sports, the two are just so different. Besides, 343 should be focusing on giving us more game modes and playlists rather than host tournaments.
there's nothing wrong with some people wanting to play halo like this but it is not a sport. in not saying that in a negative way. I like halo but I really don't like sports, the two are just so different. Besides, 343 should be focusing on giving us more game modes and playlists rather than host tournaments.
I play a lot of games, but I think professional gaming is pretty fucking gay, but good for you guys.
So they still not gonna cover the NHL?
who's that news anchor who insulted esports and said something like… he would quit news and his job if esports ever become a thing?
idk how I feel about video games being called a sport… a competition perhaps like poker or chess which shouldn't be sports more of that competition type of thing. personally yes I love video games but I wouldn't go too far to say that video games are a sport and NO poker is not a sport it fits more under the category of competition. it's like a cooking competition not a cooking sport.
it fucking happening. R.I.P gaming I will miss you you were a great part of my life
Can't wait. Exciting times ahead.
i hope vontez burfict leads an army of angry shopkins to annhilate your e-sports journalists.? BEAR WITNESS! I GO TO VALHALLA!!!
Esport should hust go back to MLG and everything will be fixed
Esports commentary and journalism has been an absolute joke up to this point. With Espn throwing their gay in the ring, maybe a time will come that esports can be taken seriously, assuming they play their cards right of course.
cod is the only esport that matters
But that was Activision-Blizzard's idea, whatever will they do now?
Fuck ESPN.. They bashed us relentlessly over the years…. Hope some one makes a petition to ban them from esports or at the very least get the word out.. They suck hard
a competition….. is NOT a sport.
I have ACTUALLY PLAYED SPORTS (and was very good have proof)….. annnnnnnddddddddd this IS 100% a B*TCH slap in the face to ACTUAL ATHLETES.
if you say otherwise….. you're a COMPLETE idiot
only fps should be on espn. Because even non gamers know what is going on if moba… nope
ESports are a joke.
I don't think gaming is a actual sport but I think the t takes as much skill as any other sport such as football or basketball. I think it should be looked at as the same category as chess.
If they start showing esports on ESPN I'm going to riot. it's not that I'm not for it, it's just my favourite sport (Track and field ) was one of the first sports invented and still in 2016 the "worldwide leader in Sports" can't show 1 meet.
To all people saying video games are not sports why is that important?
The word sport is just a fancy name without an ultimate definition and even if we accept the most common one as a physical activity that is very ambiguous since physical activities can mean a lot of things like strength, dexterity, an ability, and even mental activities can physical stress the body and that is why things like chess and poker has been consider sports at some time or car racing that requires physical resistance.
In the end sports is just a fancy name for competitions and esports is just a fancy game for video game competitions.
So why do we need to care if they are sports, they competitions that deserves merit
How is it so many people still don't seem to notice the E in front of sport.
Can't wait to hear what Collin cowherd has to say about this…
This is a great step for Esports!