Did Dwayne Johnson make the best video game movie adaptation yet? Rampage Official Trailer #1 (2018) Dwayne Johnson, Naomie Harris https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sV0Cr0jX7HI Watch more entertain…
The ROCK should have starred in THE MEG instead but I guess you can only do 100 movies in a year so go figure.
dwayne johnson.. poor dude being casted in all these horrible movies.
Too bad there wasn't an accompanying game
What do u spect from a the rock movie? Its just like arnold at his prime! Action action action! No story at all
Wow thats a higher score than i thought it would receive.
Sooner or later wrestling fans are going to stop watching his movies . How many crappy movies can one person make .
Harambe Reloaded
This is literally a 0/10
Why is King Kong white? I call whitewashing!
So a white King Kong ? smh ??
Why does it have to be "dumb" because you can't relate? It's movie, not a documentary, especially when we're already playing giant green rage monsters, and men wearing military approved bird costumes straight-faced.
The rock is in it. Thats all i got…
Better then Doom?
Eh, doing an adaption of Rampage I guess it is good for a least try. If anything else, hopefully we will get a new Rampage game soon 🙂
Am I the only one that finds it weird that out of the 3 animals a gorilla is the biggest yet in the movie when they get mutated he’s the smallest
5.5 . IGN you are getting soft.
Why does the gorilla look like king kong
What an objective review. All it told me was you didn't like it because it was dumb.
The only good thing to come from this movie is the 300K HQTrivia game today
I don’t get this ign review crap .
It was DOOM from the start
I think it's good to have these movies in order to appreciate the good ones.
Oh my god that game!! I loved that game when I was a kid.
He should’ve said ‘SHAZAM’ so he can stop the Rampage.
5.5 for people who can't be bothered to watch the video
Still gonna go watch it
This movie is probably 99% CGI Trash
why in the world was this movie not named "furious George" i mean come on, how dumb do you have to be
How come no talks about the games?
Any reference to the Rampage video game in this movie?
I actually want to see this movie just because it looks ridiculous and funny lol
The Rampage games does not seem popular or famous enough to get a movie based on them to me.
Not getting my $11
Albino King Kong: The Movie
if you want real movies watch: Blade Runner 2049 Under the skin (creepy AF) Fight club Emoji movie Drive Uhh can’t think of any for some reason lol
ill just watch this on kodi
The ROCK should have starred in THE MEG instead but I guess you can only do 100 movies in a year so go figure.
dwayne johnson.. poor dude being casted in all these horrible movies.
Too bad there wasn't an accompanying game
What do u spect from a the rock movie? Its just like arnold at his prime! Action action action! No story at all
Wow thats a higher score than i thought it would receive.
Sooner or later wrestling fans are going to stop watching his movies . How many crappy movies can one person make .
Harambe Reloaded
This is literally a 0/10
Why is King Kong white? I call whitewashing!
So a white King Kong ? smh ??
Why does it have to be "dumb" because you can't relate? It's movie, not a documentary, especially when we're already playing giant green rage monsters, and men wearing military approved bird costumes straight-faced.
The rock is in it.
Thats all i got…
Better then Doom?
Eh, doing an adaption of Rampage I guess it is good for a least try. If anything else, hopefully we will get a new Rampage game soon 🙂
Am I the only one that finds it weird that out of the 3 animals a gorilla is the biggest yet in the movie when they get mutated he’s the smallest
5.5 . IGN you are getting soft.
Why does the gorilla look like king kong
What an objective review. All it told me was you didn't like it because it was dumb.
The only good thing to come from this movie is the 300K HQTrivia game today
I don’t get this ign review crap .
It was DOOM from the start
I think it's good to have these movies in order to appreciate the good ones.
Oh my god that game!! I loved that game when I was a kid.
He should’ve said ‘SHAZAM’ so he can stop the Rampage.
5.5 for people who can't be bothered to watch the video
Still gonna go watch it
This movie is probably 99% CGI Trash
why in the world was this movie not named "furious George" i mean come on, how dumb do you have to be
How come no talks about the games?
Any reference to the Rampage video game in this movie?
I actually want to see this movie just because it looks ridiculous and funny lol
The Rampage games does not seem popular or famous enough to get a movie based on them to me.
Not getting my $11
Albino King Kong: The Movie
if you want real movies watch:
Blade Runner 2049
Under the skin (creepy AF)
Fight club
Emoji movie
Uhh can’t think of any for some reason lol
It never looked interesting to begin with
I'm still going to see it