Is the cryptocurrency market crashing? What is the crypto market doing? Crypto News!
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I want to win ….plez plez plez:
Hay Cryptocurrency makers.. I'm totaly new in this and I am wonering, are guys (and girls) happy doing this crypto business??
Thanks for all your help really appreciate it.
best crypto news ever !
Let me echo 111K subscribers when I say you have a great channel and I am sure that everyone appreciates the great information you share with us. I feel that I am further ahead in my long term crypto investments thanks to your opinion so keep up the great source of information ! Thank you sir!!! LPZhASguLGkQz9nybJVcWLvUthbpiDpgtd
Hey Zach, I want to say thanks for picking me as the winner for the $50 LTC, but up till now I haven't received it. Any idea what happened?
Thanks, it is very encouraging…..
Definitely will go back down another once or twice before May
If more people invest we're going to the moon LPgHroYHZMXFDp78gCdnrBXjDWkCEeiuEL
Keep up the good work. I love the show. Go green!
So glad to see some green today. Snagged up some Ethereum sub 400 which is going to look like an amazing deal a couple months from now imo.
What are your thoughts on NCASH as it is not moving as much!?? LXEhRcV1JTRgQ5EPX13XPc5eU4rU5WDSeU
I really think Nucleus Vision could be one of the major movers in the next bull run.
LTC: LWrkGYM42j4di56NKiDxtpsSB1TNVdpxNV
Let the bulls out ! Great show!
worst crypto channel on youtube… no technical analysis… just some guy reading off coinmarketcap and shilling substratum… NOOB
Whats poppin Max
I feel that the market is recovering slightly and alts are on the rise
LTC: LgfMX8Lmqn2TTGbcdsN925ti2XdKGANHi1
Holiday weekend was brutal :-s
I have bought as many dips as possible. Come on Bulls! LTC – LMtjGU8pPqQ9jJGfuo1EX9DEQhUAP3pKri
Been subscribed for a while. Love your channel. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. LP1PVi4izGBiTdfWpaxSN9vJpd5BHgNCsf
I bought tron at 5 cents. Do you think i should just hodl it until main net launch on May?
Thanks in advance Zach. Keep it up!
Thanks for the advice
LTC: LPZq3YtC3nw8ve4vhao5nP7TW9Zk6djDkE
Always an informational video. I feel that TRONix and the us sec have a lot to do with ETH fall from glory
nice info thanks
LTC: LXjt8ujPGMH8n6F5CHSKcBwbH2nEr1nnbX
I don't miss your videos LaaCZV6mdMfMBWhjJ2u6YCgDfVosvBi76m
New subscriber, enter me to win that free coin. Thanks. 😉
Will tron raise when markets are up?
The “Green Day” gave me a little faith, still down a whole lot but better than nothing. And more candid live moments in the beginning. Love it! Lol
Hmm i don t have neo at all…maybe i should gwt aome ….
Is it worth to swing trade these days?
I have the urge to troll this guy…
I 100% agree with long term hodling the market is so young and all these people wanting quick profits don’t realize that. people that bought bitcoin at 250 dollars and sold at 1000 dollars were probably punching themselves when it hit 19000 hodl strong! MHepjQTkQVCEzGe1Hu1oV8HRHeMpFqv37r
We have to get some institutional investors. LgyL3ZrRHd7mhfVTNT4NiwCbgFpZb2hmhg
Thanks for the info man
LTC: Lg2UPPkXiiK7zcM6WxSPa6Y2CShD4smAuo
Great video, thinking of investing in litecoin.
Lots of people are talking about ethereum making a comeback.
What is your view on this?
I like the video
Very informative, hope we can recover soon. Let’s keep this hands strong!
NCASH for BNB is a really good price now since bnb is on meth. Thanks for the video.
Anyone here from boston?
Trending upwards as we get closer to end of tax season
Hodling to next Jan. Have to. So poor. Bad at trading. LaQfMpmYDkQ1GkhapYUGvsDCvDUPD9iyNi
Looking like a great market rally lets keep going, Altcoins are looking strong. Whats your take on Solaris
The more I read into neo, more faith I have in it
LTC address
Great videos I've made some good gains, hodling for the big gains. Keep up the awesome work.
LTC: LfbNott1ezPRySURf6A1U4EffPdyU8gGoX
I was watching XRP to hit below 0.48 on binance to load up , I must've missed it if you were able to buy in at .43
LTC: M8ByfYD3pkNYWoArEcc7D4gvp7aqVKzkZ7
Here's some step by step guides to setting up wallets and buying cryptocurrencies: https://getcrypto.info/