PlayStation Plus Free Games for May Are Here – IGN Daily Fix

PS Plus drops a Quantum Dream game ahead of Detroit: Become Human’s release, Iron Spider costume revealed for Insomniac’s Spider-Man, and a major Walking Dead character finally gets confirmed…


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About the Author: IGN


  1. I remember really liking Indigo Prophesy when it came out, but I confess I've never played any of Quantum Dreams other games (including Heavy Rain — and yes I'm ashamed). – Producer Dan

  2. I’m good will be downloading everything but beyond 2 souls. Ugh that game is like a crappy fever dream of dumb predictable ideas that made no sense at all

  3. Honestly I love heavy rain and indigo prophecy, but beyond two souls was kinda eh. Will definitely give it another try though on PS4

  4. So you are telling me that I get beyond: two souls for free, as well as if I preorder Detroit: Become Human I also get Heavy Rain! May is going to be awesome!

  5. For some reason Beyond Two Souls never worked for me. Played it on ps3 and it was always freezing. Then I played it on ps4, same problem.

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