? PUBLIC TRADE ALERTS- https://t.me/AltCoinParty
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Can we expect an epic move in Bitcoin (BTC) this week?! Let’s discuss this and some cryptocurrency trading technical analysis (TA) + current market news on today’s video!
? Let’s get this crypto!
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Disclaimer: The content covered in this video/live stream is NOT investment advice. I’m NOT a financial adviser. These are only my own personal opinions, ideas, charts, technical analysis (TA), insights, news and price predictions. Always do your own research and only invest solely based on your own findings and personal judgement. Deciding to invest in and/or buy Bitcoin (BTC) or any other type of cryptocurrency is extremely high risk and the market can crash at any time! This video/live stream is purely for entertainment purposes only!
? PUBLIC TRADE ALERTS- https://t.me/AltCoinParty
⚡️ Follow @ https://twitter.com/CryptoKirby
Dodge coin !!!
Btc will never go under 5k thats juts bs
Rip to your shorting position??
hey average Joe
“Good morning.” – James at the water cooler
I ate a poopcoin & pooped out some B-Cash!!
Gonna check your vid now, but can already say "Ofcourse, since this is the week of the final SEC declines for this year".
Crypto Furby, best crypto youtuber out there rn!
James and the moonboys see a special moon deep in the depths of rekt city lmfao. Theyre currently cancelling orders for satoshis new shoes and readying an apology to their grandmas for asking them to fire up the oven for multiple batches of cookies and now have a case or yohoho ??
The sharp recent dip is also a result a mount gox institutional reimbursement policy announcement. Which is expected to shed over a billion dollars from the total bitcoin Market cap.
Your analysis is First Class ?? as always
Were gonna find james at the bottom of the water cooler ????
the bottom is basically in because the major miners/manufacturers know that the cost to produce is right in this range and if it dips below production costs Bitmain etc. will support it because they believe in the product and can afford to spend $6000 to support the price because it is reverse engineering a dollar cost averaging program. They have a few MILLION Bitcoins they produced over the last few years at hundreds not thousands of dollars. They also know one day the price of BTC will be much higher than this price level due to the decay of FIAT currencies around the world.
The man, the myth, the legend! A mfkn UNICORN ?
What would James do?
Look again James that’s not the moon it’s an asteroid!!!
Love it…
…we are seeing lower prices next month…keep your cash on the side….
Alibaba is talking smack on block chain because they have their hands in quantum computing.
I'm buying the dip, Kirby, I'm buying the dip!
It's so beautiful! I'm gonna buy like mfer this week. I'm bullish on ?'s.
Epic Crypto Kirby Rant #123: Do not be taking that trip to Rekt City, Ladies and Gentlemen! There is no excuse to not be crushing this market right now! Sure, we had to be patient. Sure; The Moon Boys, James at the water cooler, Poop-Coin Patrick, and a band of crypto monkeys could not handle three days of sideways action. “I gotta get my trades in, Kirby! Uh, uh!” You see what happens when you're not patient, Ladies and Gentlemen? You take that trip to Rekt City instead of awaiting for proper confirmations, awaiting for the trend to be your friend, and tell you what looks correct, instead of waiting for a more non-gambly situation and a more confirmed type of action. You, my friend, end up on the one way trip; the train, the bus, the plain – I don't know about a private jet, because I don't think anybody who's travelling to Rekt City are in the realm of private jets yet. But your transportation of choice, directly to Rekt City, my friends; Discipline and patience is the key factor when it comes to playing these markets and getting this crypto.
Kirby, it's so perfect it looks like the Sydney Opera!
Gotta get my trades in Kirby!
Love your spiel !
Common preach Kirby!
Hey Kirby is it a good time to pull the trigger and buy Cardano at 8.5 cents now ?
When Grandmas Cookies ??
Love 'poop coin patrik' — keep it up mate!
There was a red candle at this level 28 days ago, just like this, and then bitcoin rallied 1000 dollars to 7400
Everything is very oversold. This can easily just turn around and rally and all bears can get trapped
Poop coin Patrick ?????
kirby,,did u ever here of "slingshot",,momo-trend,,just may learn it soon
rekt city in the house
Im Jaaaaanet at the water cooler 🙁 i didn't set and stop loss
Never change bro. You’re good people. Thanks man ✌?
OH KIRBY, you the best bro
crypto cruise line going straight to ship rekt city
What if I told you there will be a coin to challenge ETH for a spot in the next three months…
1/Moon or Moon^(-1)
what is the success rate on your trades?
BUT KIRBY ! What about the MOOOON?? Oh how i wish i was awake when this started- im in this for the free entertainment Kirby-YO Ho ho and the moonrise is a bonus.
The Analysis is CORRECT, YOU NAIL IT!
about the news? Blockchain IS making a greener future!!!!! Take me, a laid off OILFIELD tradesman, who is going deep into crypto to have a future, not just a green one.
I so hope your sentiment is right. That will be awesome.
Does anyone hodl part of their portfolio and then allocate a certain percentage to trade? Or do most people just trade 100% and dont hodl anything?
Also if you only trade crypto, what do you cash into after a trade? Stable coins or fiat? And are there any stable coins that are compatible with the ledger or do people keep it all on the exchange (quite risky imo)
Just some thoughts as im thinking of trading more now! Any opinions appreciated!